Peace be upon you, and Allah mercy and blessings.

Hello FEB UNAIR students, how are you? 

There's good news...

AcSES FEB UNAIR Muamalah Fiqh Study is back.

What's the theme??

The caravan theme this time is...

"Artificial Intelligence in Islamic Economics Perspective"

Wow, what a very interesting theme to discuss in this era, isn't it? Especially now that the industrial revolution 4.0 is in full swing. And God willing, in this study, friends will gain very useful knowledge for future preparations.


Date: March 15 2019

Time: 08.00 WIB - Finish

Speaker: Dr. Imron Mawardi, SP., M.Si.

Place: Room 316 FEB UNAIR

Registration link:

Don't miss out on it, you know~

* Free consumption for the first 30 registrants.

For further information, contact:

CP 1 Iswandi

Line ID : fandi_1883

WA: 085337023107

CP 2 Rizki Nur

Line ID: rizkinsd05

WA: 085809989776





