Accounting Ramadhan Activities (ARA) 2020 is a work program for the Internal Affairs of the Accounting Student Association, Faculty of Business Economics, Universitas Airlangga . This work program has two objectives, namely internal and external objectives. The internal goal is to increase faith and devotion to Allah SWT. and strengthen ties between students of the Accounting Study Program. Furthermore, the external goal is to show concern from Accounting residents of the Faculty of Economics and Business towards others who need it and strengthen the ties between UNAIR Accounting residents and the surrounding community. 

Accounting Ramadhan Activities will be held from 30 April-14 May 2020 via social media platforms such as Instagram and YouTube. Accounting Ramadhan Activities consists of several series of events, including:

  1. ABI (Sharing ACTION)

AKSI Sharing is an activity for Accounting Study Program students in the form of fundraising activities for Accounting Study Program students which will be channeled through PUSPAS UNAIR ( Universitas Airlangga Social Fund Management Center)

2. ASAH (ACTION to Welcome Ramadhan)

ASAH is a music video collaboration that will perform Tompi's song entitled "Ramadhan Datang". Each person involved will send 1 verse of the song and then connect it with a video from another person for each line or word of the lyrics. In the video there is also information about the names of the groups, regional origins with the aim of showing the diversity of the members of the Accounting Study Program who come from various regions in Indonesia.

3. Ngabuburit Together with ACTION

Ngabuburit Bareng AKSI is an Accounting Study Program student activity which takes the form of an interesting presentation with a theme related to the month of Ramadhan and is non-formal in nature which is attended by representatives of the 2016-2019 Accounting Study Program students.