Assalamualaikum Accessor
Everyone is a leader and will be held accountable for their leadership. ...And
you are all leaders and will be asked for your accountability (HR. Muslim).
Come on, upgrade your leadership spirit by joining SMART II
Save the date :
⏰ 20 - 22 September 2019
Darussalam Islamic Boarding School, Lawang, Malang
For only 55k you will get:
✓ Comfortable accommodation
✓ 4 nutritious meals
✓ SKP certificate
✓ Unforgettable experience
So what are you waiting for? Register yourself immediately, registration will be open on:
1 September to 13 September 2019
Immediately fill in the registration form:
For payment :
Offline: Secretariat Access FEB Unair
Id line: charismaris_
WA: 085788487821
by transfer
BNI Syariah 1200320016 anAcSES FEB UNAIR
Payment confirmation:
089601880049/risaaulia31 (Risa Aulia)
For more information :
id line : ariqsyahputra
WA: 085313290809
WA : 085788487821
id : charismaris_