audit feb 2024(FEB NEWS) Tuesday, 17 September 2024 – FEB UNAIR's turn to take part in the Internal Quality Audit (AMI) in Tirtodiningrat Hall. This activity is an important part of FEB UNAIR's commitment to ensuring the quality of education and services continues to be maintained, in accordance with established quality standards.

This audit was led by Prof. Dr. phil. Toatik Koesbardiati as Chief Auditor, accompanied by auditor Dr. Soelistyowati, SH., MH. The presence of the auditor team was welcomed directly by the Dean of FEB UNAIR, Prof. Dr. Dian Agustia, SE., MSi., Ak., CMA., CA. This AMI activity is an important activity where the audit process is a continuous effort to improve academic quality and faculty governance.

Also attending this activity was Deputy Dean I - Dr. Wisnu Wibowo, Deputy Dean III - Dr. Ahmad Rizky Sridadi, and Head of the Quality Assurance Unit (SPM FEB UNAIR) - Prof. Dr. Indrianawati Usman, who was accompanied by the SPM secretary - Dr. Fatin Fadhilah Hasib, SE, M.Sc. Also present were the Wadek Staff Coordinator - Khusnul Prasetyo, SE, MM., Ak., Wadek I Staff - Muhammad Syaikh Rohman, SE., M.Ec., Wadek II Staff - Puji Sucia Sukmaningrum, SE., CiFP., PIH FEB Coordinator UNAIR - Nur Aini Hidayati, SE., M.Sc., Ph.D., Head of Administration - Dra. Diah Prihatiningsih, MM., Ak., along with the ranks of the Head of Subdivision. and 2 staff from the FEB UNAIR Research and Publication Center.

In its implementation, AMI aims to evaluate various aspects of faculty operations, including academic governance, administration, and management of facilities and infrastructure. With a comprehensive evaluation, it is hoped that FEB UNAIR can continue to improve the quality of services, both in the academic and non-academic fields.

This audit is very important in ensuring that all processes at FEB UNAIR are running in accordance with applicable quality standards, as well as finding areas that can be improved in the future. This audit is part of ongoing efforts to encourage quality improvement in every work unit within UNAIR, including FEB. This process helps faculty identify opportunities for improvement, as well as provide recommendations necessary to achieve higher quality standards.