ceo teaching feb unair 2023(FEB NEWS) Monday, 20 November 2023, Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) held a "Teaching CEO" event with a focus on the topic of Data Analytics. The lecture was very interesting and presented directly by Achmad Sugiarto MM, a professional with an impressive track record.

Achmad Sugiarto MM himself has experience as Chief of Strategy at Kalla (2019-2023), Director of Strategic Portfolio Telkom (2019-2020), and won the title of Educational Leader of the Year at the Asia Education Award 2023. With a strong career background, his presence on campus is an anti-resistance that FEB UNAIR students have been waiting for.


As a strategic leader, Achmad Sugiarto MM shares knowledge about Data Analytics and not only that, he also shares his life and career experiences. Participants can gain unique insight into the challenges and opportunities in the business world, especially in facing the digital era and data transformation. he provides practical and applicable views on topics relevant to current industrial developments.

This guest lecture succeeded in creating an interactive atmosphere through group division and an active question and answer session from the participants. More than 350 FEB UNAIR Management students participated in this event, showing high enthusiasm for the topic presented by Achmad Sugiarto MM. The exchange of ideas and views between speakers and participants made this event more dynamic and provided opportunities for in-depth learning.

CEO Mengajar not only provides valuable knowledge to students but also opens up opportunities to build a professional network with an experienced industry leader.

On the same day, with a very interactive teaching style with students, apart from undergraduate, Achmad Sugiarto MM also continued to give lecture sessions in the MM FEB UNAIR Masters Study Program, with the topic Innovation Sprint: Challenges & Risk Management.

Still curious about his very interactive lectures, join his session on Tuesday. November 21 2023, at the Fadjar Notonagoro Hall, Pkl. 09.00 WIB, with topic: Business Development.