FEB Unair once again presented sparkling stars at the beginning of 2019 after 2 weeks ago Sarah Savira Moarifin (EP-2015) succeeded in winning the title of Puteri Indonesia East Java Intelligence 2019 (read: http://feb.unair.ac.id/index.php /news-feb-unair/berita-kampus/834-sarah-savira-moarifin-juarai-puteri-indonesia-jawa-timur-intelegensia-2019.html ), yesterday evening February 16 2019 Kevin Prianto won a prestigious Javanese Boys and Girls event East 2019, Mister Teen East Java 2019.

FEB Unair Misterteen East Java 2019

Kevin, who is also the 2017 FEB Unair Ambassador, is an active student of the 2017 Accounting Study Program, now has an even bigger task by carrying the name of East Java to continue the competition at the national level, Mister Teen Indonesia 2019 next September.

Even at the end of 2018, Kevin also managed to win the Friendship Ambassador title at the Universitas Airlangga (read: http://news.unair.ac.id/2018/11/23/kemeriahan-malam-peleksian-duta-unair -2018 )

Kevin is the 2018 Unair Ambassador Friendship Champion

Let's encourage this cool man born in 1999, the moral and spiritual support of the Unair academic community will really help Kevin in competing.