SEMNAS ACCENTS HIMA EP FEB UNAIR(FEB NEWS) Saturday, 14 October 2023, the Scientific Department of the Development Economics Student Association Universitas Airlangga held an ECCENTS seminar with the theme "Development of the National Capital (IKN) of the Archipelago Based on Smart Cities: Creating Sustainable Economic Transformation" which was attended by the Director of Building, Regional Management, and the National Capital City (IKN) of the Archipelago, Mr. Dr. Ir. Desiderius Viby Indrayana, ST, MM, MT, IPU., ASEAN.Eng., ACPE. and the Director of Harmonization of Budgetary Regulations of the Republic of Indonesia, Mr. Didik Kusnaini, SE, MPP. This activity which was held in the KRT Fadjar Notonegoro Hall, 2nd floor of FEB Unair was a form of implementing the 4th SDG's point in the context of improving quality education because apart from seminars there were also The scientific writing competition was attended by more than 20 teams from various universities in Indonesia such as Universitas Airlangga , University of Indonesia, Gadjah Mada University, Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology, Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa University, Jember University, and Parahyangan Catholic University.

On this occasion, Mr. Ir. Viby explained about the Indonesian capital as a World Sustainable City. In this presentation, it was explained that IKN has its own special features compared to other cities, such as the existence of biodiversity in IKN, where in the process of developing IKN we still pay attention to the preservation of biodiversity within it, then also explained the application of green cities in IKN development, as well as preparations for IKN development to current development process. Of course, the development of IKN is in line with the sustainable development goals or SDG's, specifically point 11 regarding sustainable cities and settlements, which states that there is sustainable development in cities that still protects the natural cultural heritage within them.

In the financial sphere, Mr. Didik explained that the development of IKN and the relocation of the state capital to Kalimantan are expected to be able to increase economic growth in Kalimantan and the surrounding region, which goal is in accordance with one of the 8th SDGs points, namely sustainable economic growth. The construction of a new national capital on the island of Kalimantan is intended to build a new city and life with the use of public transportation as the key to life. Then, the IKN development process is carried out in stages over a period of approximately 5 years at each stage with funding sources coming from the APBN, APBN and other legitimate sources, and other legitimate sources such as the private sector.

In the QNA session, Mr. Ir. Viby and Mr Didik also explained that the development of IKN is a miniature Indonesia with diversity within it, so it is not based on just one ethnic group. Apart from that, the long-term development of the IKN Nusantara will also have a big influence on the lives of current and future students, so it is hoped that the relocation of the capital and construction of the IKN will be in accordance with the initial plan and run smoothly.

The seminar event ended with an awarding session for the scientific writing competition which had previously been running since July 2023. First place was won by the 3 caffeine team from Universitas Airlangga , second place was won by the Bismillah team from Padjadjaran University, third place was won by the Ega team from the University of Indonesia, and best poster was won by the Alpha team from the University of Indonesia.