CEO TEACHING FEB UNAIR(FEB NEWS) Thursday, 5 October 2023, the Department of Management, Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Airlangga (FEB UNAIR) again held the CEO TEACH event, this time together with Gatot Imam Prasetyo, Ak., MM. – Director of Finance, HR and General Affairs PT. Pelindo Energy Logistics.

The lecture, which was held from R. 319, 3rd Floor FEB UNAIR, was attended by students from the Undergraduate Management Study Program, and also students from the Islamic Economics Undergraduate Study Program.

On this occasion, Gatot Imam Prasetyo, Ak., MM. started the lecture by explaining what Pelindo is, the history of Pelindo and the story of Pelindo which was initially 4 (four) companies then merged to become 1. Then Gatot Imam Prasetyo, Ak., MM. also introduced Pelindo PEL which is part of Pelindo.
Next Gatot Imam Prasetyo, Ak., MM. explains investment for millennials. Starting with the cycle of countries that lead the world's economy, then explaining about shares, forms of shares, and how students can participate in investing in the world of shares. Gatot also explained that the millennial generation needs financial literacy so that there is security in the future, teaching them how to choose the companies we want to invest in, when we should invest and how to invest, especially shares, so that they can be profitable.
Hopefully the lecture and sharing from the lecture this morning, together with Gatot Imam Prasetyo, Ak., MM. - Director of Finance, HR and General Affairs PT. Pelindo Energi Logistik can educate students and provide opportunities for students from the Undergraduate Management Study Program and the Islamic Economics Undergraduate Study Program to gain a better understanding of various aspects of business and investment, especially in the context of companies such as Pelindo and the world of shares. Students will gain an understanding of the importance of financial literacy, especially for the millennial generation. They learn about how to manage their money, invest in shares, and make wise financial decisions for their future. Students gain knowledge about investing in the stock market, including the types of shares and how to choose companies to invest in. This can help them understand how to leverage the stock market for their personal financial growth, while also inspiring students to pursue careers in finance, management, or related sectors. They can see examples of Gatot Imam Prasetyo's career and gain insight into opportunities in the industry.