(FEB NEWS) On Tuesday, August 22 2023, the event "Gathering with Parents of New Students (Maba) in 2023" was held, to provide understanding, description, sincerity regarding the time of new students in studying/activities/creation, as well as to invite all parents of freshmen to help, support and monitor their sons/daughters while pursuing undergraduate education at Universitas Airlangga especially at the Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Airlangga (FEB UNAIR).
Present at the event: UNAIR Chancellor - Prof. Dr. Mohammad Nasih, SE, MT, Ak.; UNAIR Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, Students and Alumni - Prof. Dr. Bambang Sektiari Lukiswanto, DEA, DVM and all his staff; and Deputy Dean I FEB UNAIR - Dr. Wisnu Wibowo ; and Deputy Dean III FEB UNAIR - Dr. Ahmad Rizki Sridadi.
At the beginning of the session,
UNAIR Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, Students and Alumni - Prof. Dr. Bambang Sektiari Lukiswanto, DEA, DVM., so that parents of new students have an idea of the right strategy to guard their children while studying at UNAIR.
Meanwhile Drs. Ec. Putut Sri Muljanto, MM., CMA. - Pelindo Managing Director, in his speech representing parents of new students, invited all parents of new students present to believe that UNAIR was the right choice, "because UNAIR, apart from its slogan UNAIR - HEBAT (Humble-Honest; E, namely Excellent ; B, namely Brave; A, namely Agile; and T, namely Transcendents), UNAIR will educate and develop our sons/daughters, not only to be intelligent, but also to be virtuous/humility/not arrogant human beings. motto "Excellence With Morality" where this trait is one of the keys needed for successful people throughout the world."
The Chancellor Universitas Airlangga told all parents of new students to believe that UNAIR will continue to encourage students to become strong, virtuous/moral learners. Learners who are able to learn, not only learn from successful people, but also learn anywhere, anytime, including learning from people who fail.
Meanwhile Dr. Wisnu Wibowo congratulated all parents of new students and invited them to collaborate in providing learning facilities. FEB UNAIR is open to various collaborations in the MBKM Program to improve learning, "Let's express our gratitude by heeding collaborative decisions, in order to improve learning for our children."
Let's together, create a Young Generation that is not only intelligent, but also has high morality, dignity and is useful for society, the country and the nation.
Greetings from us, Airlangga Knights
#mutual cooperation
#fakultas Ekonomidanbisnisunair