The beginning of 2019 FEB Unair was marked by several awards, in the first month it presented a professor in the field of Management Science (read: /829-green-marketing-dan-green-buying-behavior-untuk-menyalamatan-bumi-dan-isinya.html ) then followed by the best Master's program (read: id/mmnews/860-program-s2-mm-unair-raih-studi-terbaik.html ).
In this second month, FEB Unair once again made a shine through its student from the 2015 Development Economics study program, namely Sarah Savira Moarifin, who succeeded in winning the title of Puteri Indonesia East Java Intelligence 2019 .
Sarah, who is a member of the FEB Unair Ambassador association, has gone through a long journey at the 2019 Puteri Indonesia East Java event which was held on Friday 1 February 2019 evening at ICBC The Square Ballroom on Jalan Raya Basuki Rahmad Surabaya.
Congratulations to Sarah and hopefully it can be a source of pride for parents, the community and the Unair campus.