temilreg feb unair(FEB NEWS) Regional Scientific Meeting (TEMILREG) is a work program of the Regional Level Islamic Economic Study Silaturahim Forum (FoSSEI) together with the organizing Islamic Economic Study Group (KSEI). This year, the KSEI Association of Sharia Economics Students (AcSES) and the Islamic Economics Association, Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Airlangga (FEB UNAIR) received the mandate to host TEMILREG JATIM. The TEMILREG series of events was held for 4 days. TEMILREG was held to strengthen Islamic economic insight and strengthen ties of brotherhood between TEMILREG participants in particular and FoSSEI members in general.


Today coincides with Day 1 of TEMILREG 2023 which was held on Friday, 14 July 2023 in the Fadjar Notonegoro Hall, 2nd Floor FEB UNAIR which was attended by all active members of KSEI AcSES FEB UNAIR 2023 and active members of KSEI East Java Regional who had passed the final stage in Several competitions have been held.

The TEMILREG event opened with several remarks from the chief executive - Fahmi Fathurahman; Taufikur Rohman – East Java Fossei Regional Coordinator; A'am Rosyad – National Presidum of FoSSEI (Forum Silaturrahim Islamic Economic Studies) National Scientific Sector; and final remarks from the Dean of FEB UNAIR - Prof. Dr. Dian Agustia, SE., M.Si., Ak., CMA., CA. Present as Keynote Speech - Hery Wiriantoro, ST., M.MT. - Head of Industrial Resources Development (Representing the Governor of East Java).

Present as presenters: Adistiar Prayoga, SE.MM - Halal Product Process Support Institute, Airlongga University and Faisa Fatika Sari - Wardah Beauty Promoter, and the competitions continued.



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