umkm workshop feb unair1(FEB NEWS) On Monday, June 26 2023, IAEI (Association of Islamic Economic Experts) in collaboration with the Department of Sharia Economics, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Airlangga held a series of East Java Roadshow Series "Regional MSME Development Workshop" for MSMEs. The event was held in the Fadjar Hall FEB UNAIR at 13.00-17.00 WIB. Present as a resource person was Dr. Abdul Rahem, M. Kes., Apt. with the theme "Product Certification and Market Tensions" and moderated by Dr. Hj. Fatmah, DPW IAEI East Java.

After welcoming remarks by the Chair of the East Java IAEI DPW, the Chair of the Scientific Research and Development Division, the IAEI DPP, and the General Chair of the East Java PPUMI and Deputy Regent of Sumenep, the Regional MSME Development Workshop began with a pre-test carried out by the participants. As Chair of the Halal Center Universitas Airlangga , Dr. Abdul Rahem explained about halal guarantees and free halal certification programs in Indonesia. He quoted from Pak Joko Widodo regarding the halal industry: "Indonesia has the potential to become the center of the world halal industry as well as the mecca of the world fashion industry. My target is to achieve this goal in 2024." umkm workshop feb unair

As Muslims, of course we consume halal food. In a study by Prof. Dr. Ir. Tri Susanti, Lecturer at Brawijaya University, Malang, East Java, found products that contained ingredients that probably came from pigs, so many people held demonstrations about these products. Therefore, halal certification is very important as a guarantee of halal products. Apart from conveying the urgency of halal certification, the resource person also conveyed the regulations of the Indonesian Ministry of Religion Law 33/2014 through the Halal Product Guarantee Organizing Agency which states that starting 17 October 2021, medicinal products, cosmetics and consumer goods must be halal certified. Sanctions will be applied after the phasing period ends.
Finally, the resource person provided information about the 2023 Free Halal Certification Program (Sehati) for micro and small business actors through a self-declaration scheme, namely through PPH (Halal Product Process) assistance which is affiliated with the PPH Assistance Institution (LP3H). It is hoped that participants from MSMEs who do not yet have or have problems with halal certification can be helped and help realize Indonesia's dream of becoming the center of the world's halal industry by 2023. This workshop supports optimizing SDGs number 12, namely responsible consumption and production.