(FEB NEWS) Tuesday, January 24 2023 was a day full of blessings for the Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Airlangga (FEB UNAIR), because on that day, 3 (three) cooperation signings were held from the Fadjar Notonagoro Hall at once.
Collaboration for the Human Resources Capacity Building and Internship Program - Merdeka Belajar Campus Merdeka was agreed between FEB UNAIR together with Jawa Pos Media; PT Rembaka; PT Jawapos Media Television (Jtv).
The process of signing the cooperation agreement between FEB UNAIR and PT Rembaka was carried out by: Dean of FEB UNAIR - Prof.
Dr. Dian Agustia, SE., MSi., Ak., CMA., CA together with the General Vice President of PT. Rembaka – Johanes Tough. Meanwhile, for the signing procession of the collaboration between FEB UNAIR and PT. Jawapos Media Television (Jtv), carried out between: Dean of FEB UNAIR - Prof. Dr. Dian Agustia, SE., MSi., Ak., CMA., CA. together with the Director of PT. Jawapos Media Television – Rina Prabawati, SE., Ak.
And finally, the signing procession of the cooperation agreement between FEB UNAIR and Jawa Pos Media was carried out by Prof. Dr. Dian Agustia, SE., MSi., Ak., CMA., CA. with Deputy Director of Human Capital Jawa Pos Media - Rudy Ahmad Syafei Harahap.
Present to witness the signing procession of the Cooperation Agreement were the Management of FEB UNAIR, PT Rembaka; PT. Jawapos Media Television, and Jawa Pos Media.
Prof. Dr. Dian Agustia., SE., MSi., Ak., CMA., CA. stated that he was very proud and happy to welcome the ongoing collaboration with the industrial world, and of course this collaboration is a structured collaboration so that it can provide good benefits for FEB UNAIR students; Jawa Pos Media; PT Rembaka; and PT Jawapos Media Televisi (Jtv). Furthermore, the Dean of FEB UNAIR stated that cooperation is a joint task, how to improve Indonesia's human resources for the next 10 years, so that we all take part in creating one of our superior human resources in 2045.
General Vice President – Johanes Tangguh, expressed his gratitude to FEB UNAIR for collaborating with PT. Rembaka (Latulip Cosmetics Company). Internship students are currently needed by companies. Furthermore, Johanes Tangguh hopes that Generation Z will instill even more discipline, as capital for the nation's progress.
Director of PT. Jawapos Media Television – Rina Prabawati, SE., Ak. (FEB UNAIR Alumni – Accounting 88') expressed his gratitude for the opportunity to participate in the MBKM program at FEB UNAIR. According to Rina, Student Internships were felt to be very useful, because Rina had no experience of working in the field, so she felt that the gap between theory and practice was very high. So, Rina Prabawati, SE., Ak wants to continue to have the enthusiasm to share with her younger siblings.
Deputy Director of Human Capital Jawa Pos Media - Rudy Ahmad Syafei Harahap., expressed his gratitude for working together to contribute to narrowing the gap between theory and work practice. According to Rudy, a goal is needed before being assigned to an internship so that it can help to direct. Rudy also hopes that this internship activity will become a sustainable internship activity.
Greetings from us,
let's make collaboration successful for the country
to create superior human resources for Indonesia
#febunair&ptrembaka cooperation
#febunairdanptjawaposmediatelevisi cooperation
#febunairdanjawaposmedia cooperation