February Unair agreement with Uniyap



(FEB NEWS) As a form of commitment to produce superior human resources for Indonesia, Monday, 31 October 2022, the Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Airlangga (FEB UNAIR) has signed 2 (two) Collaboration Agreements with the Faculty of Economics and Business, Yapis University Papua – Jayapura (FEB UNIYAP – JAYAPURA), about: 1. Professional Accountant Education (PPAk), and 2. Collaboration in the Education Sector for the Doctor of Accounting Science Program, from AULA Fadjar Notonagoro, 2nd floor FEB UNAIR, (31/10/22). cooperation 1

The signing procession was carried out by: 1. Dean of FEB UNAIR – Prof. Dr. Dian Agustia., SE., MSi., Ak., CMA., CA. and 2. Dean of FEB UNIYAP – JAYAPURA - Dr. Mohammad Aldrin Akbar, SE., MM. Present to witness the signing procession, from FEB UNAIR: 1.) Deputy Dean I - Dr. Vishnu Wibowo.; 2.) Deputy Dean III - Dr. Ahmad Rizki Sridadi: 3.) Secretary of the Accounting Department - Nadia Anridho, S.Ak., MBA., Ph.D.; 4.) KPS S1 Accounting - Alfiyatul Qomariyah, S.Ak., MBA., Ph.D.; and 5.) KPS PPAk Study Program - Dr. Murdiyati Dewi, Dra., MSi., Ak. Meanwhile from Yapis University Papua – Jayapura, present: 1.) Deputy Chancellor II - Yana Ermawati, SE., M.Si.; 2.) Deputy Dean III - M. Ridhwansyah Pasolo SE., M.Acc., Ak., CA.; 3.) Head of Accounting Study Program - Dr. Entar Sutisman, SE., M.Ak.; 4.) - Head of Management Study Program - Dr. Suratini, SE., M.Si.; 5.) Dr. Drs. H. Fahrudin Pasolo, M.Sc.; and 6.) Yana Ameliana, SE., MM.

Feb Unair collaboration with universities in Papua Both parties agreed to work together in organizing educational activities on PPAk and Doctoral Accounting Science Education.
Hopefully the existing collaboration can run smoothly and become even closer.
Synergize with a heart for the motherland.