(FEB NEWS) Department of Accounting, Bachelor of Accounting Study Program, Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Airlangga (FEB UNAIR), held a Lecture "CEO TEACHING SERIES", from AULA Miendrowo, Fl. 3 FEB UNAIR, (26-10-2022).

Present as the lecturer in the Strategic Management lecture, Ir. Arief Wisnu Cahyono, ST. Main Director of PDAM Surya Sembada Surabaya City, who is also the General Secretary of the Indonesian Drinking Water Companies Association (PERPAMSI).

The lecture was attended by approximately 80 students from the FEB UNAIR Accounting Study Program, Strategic Management Courses classes N and P. Also attending the lecture, Dr. Wiwik Supratiwi, Dra., M.BA, Ak. – Head of the Accounting Department; Alfiyatul Qomariyah, S.Ak., M.BA., Ph.D.- Coordinator of the Undergraduate Accounting Study Program; Nur Aini Hidayati, SE., M.Sc., Ph.D. – Coordinator of FEB UNAIR Information and Public Relations Center; and La Ode Sabaruddin, Ph.D.

Ir. Arief Wisnu Cahyono, ST. opened his lecture by asking a question, what is PDAM? This was done to find out what students think about PDAM. PDAMs in general according to Ir. Arief Wisnu Cahyono, ST. is a company that processes raw water into water that is ready for use.

Through this lecture, Ir. Arief Wisnu Cahyono, ST. invites students to know first the function of a company such as PDAM, whether it is a company that is more likely to be required to generate profits or a company that is used for public services, so that they can determine what strategies need to be carried out as a company leader, in maintaining the company. so that it continues to grow and can maintain its commitment to providing excellent public services to the community.

According to Ir. Arief Wisnu Cahyono, ST., PDAM, is a company that does not receive subsidies from the government, such as PLN, BBM, but the service function still needs to be considered, such as low income customers, general social, education, simple houses, very simple houses, which are Prices are not increased, even basic necessities are free.  

The subsidy carried out by PDAM is by means of cross subsidies, namely from middle to upper customers, in other words, it is purely to subsidize customers who need it, namely subsidized by other customers (middle to upper) and partly for reasonable and sustainable investment. .

Ir. Arief Wisnu Cahyono, ST. said that it is very important in leading PDAM, to see the obligations that need to be carried out, such as in terms of maintenance (asset rejuvenation), so as to reduce the risk of leaks and other unexpected things. Ir. Arief Wisnu Cahyono, ST. adding that PDAM is a company whose operations are limited by region, such as PDAM Surabaya which only operates in the Surabaya area, so another strategy is needed, namely investing in other areas with better growth, such as Sidoarjo.

From this lecture, Ir. Arief Wisnu Cahyono, ST., wants to give students an idea that to be able to manage any business, students need to look at turnover, profit, assets and market value, so that they can know what strategies need to be carried out by companies such as PDAM, which has several strategies. to be implemented in the future, for example 1.) Increasing PDAM tariffs, followed by increasing service quality; 2.) Negotiation to reduce profits that must be paid/ask for repair costs; 3.) make investments in other areas that are reasonable and sustainable.

At the end of this guest lecture session there was also a question and answer session, one of which was related to PDAM's efforts to minimize costs while maintaining quality performance. "PDAM can make several efforts, including that the pump operation can be arranged in such a way that it does not work 24 hours so as to reduce electricity costs, apart from that, PDAM also makes efforts to increase labor efficiency." Arief said.

Hopefully, through this lecture, namely "CEO TEACHING SERIES", students can gain additional insight through sharing experiences from CEOs directly in leading a company.

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