(FEB NEWS) The Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Airlangga in collaboration with the Regional Management Council of the Indonesian Appraisal Professional Society (DPD MAPPI Jatim) and the Financial Profession Development Center (PPPK) of the Indonesian Ministry of Finance held the "Socialization of the Appraisal Profession" activity. The event was held from the Fadjar Notonagoro Hall, 2nd Floor FEB UNAIR, (13/9/2022).

This "Socialization of the Appraisal Profession" activity was attended by more than 200 participants consisting of: Appraisers from the Public Appraisal Services Office (KJPP), the Indonesian Appraisal Professional Society (MAPPI) East Java region, the Financial Profession Development Center - Indonesian Ministry of Finance, lecturers, students , alumni and community elements.

Present as speaker and moderator: 1. Mushtofa, ST., MT., MM. MAPPI (Cert) - Chairman of the East Java MAPPI DPD; 2.Dr. Arie Wibowo, SE., ST., MSAk., CPA. – Head of Financial Professional Development; 3. Guntur Pramudiyanto, SE., M.Ec., Dev., MAPPI (Cert) – Chair 1 of DPN MAPPI, and 4. Akhmad Jayadi, SE., M.Ec., Dev. – Moderator/Lecturer at the Department of Economics, FEB UNAIR.

It should be noted that the appraiser profession currently has an important role in various fields, including in the preparation of government financial reports, asset management, taxation, banking, capital markets, infrastructure development (land acquisition for public purposes), and so on, but until now it has not regulated in law like other professions such as Advocates, Notaries and Accountants. 

As stated by Akhmad Jayadi, SE., M.Ec., Dev., in his review to start the material session. The participants who attended were invited to understand how important the "Socialization of the Appraiser Profession" event which was held was to provide support for the Appraisal Bill, so that it could be passed as law. “This assessment is something that is urgent. Why is it urgent?, Indonesia with this many people, this wide geography, this many assets, with only, as said by Rossanto Dwi Handoyo, SE., M.Si., Ph.D. - Head of the Department of Economics FEB UNAIR, in his speech, that there will only be 4042 registered appraisers in 2022, and we still have 700 certified data from the financial ministry, and this is piled up in Java, DKI and Bali, while in neighboring countries, such as Malaysia There is already a law." Furthermore, Akhmad Jayadi, SE., M.Ec., Dev. Saying that in Indonesia there is not only a shortage in terms of the number of assessors, but also in terms of professional pathways, academic pathways, and rules/regulations.

Considering this urgency and also the huge career opportunities, Mushtofa, ST., MT., MM. MAPPI (Cert) as Chair of the East Java MAPPI DPD, in his opening speech, expressed: firstly, his thanks to FEB UNAIR for their support so that the event "Socialization of the Appraisal Profession" could be held, and secondly, Mushtofa also expressed his hope, that by looking at the achievements FEB UNAIR extraordinary (in the QS World University Ranking by Subject 2022, it was recorded: Economics and Econometrics, at the Global level, ranked 251-300, and at the domestic level, ranked 1st; Accounting & Finance, at the Global level, ranked 251-300). 201-250, and at the domestic level it is ranked 2=; and Business & Management Studies, at the Global level it is ranked 301-350, and at the domestic level it is ranked 3), Mushtofa hopes that in the future we can work together to build new knowledge /assessment department at Airlangga University, especially at FEB UNAIR.

The event was very busy, and was attended by all participants very enthusiastically. The participants asked various very insightful questions to satisfy their curiosity about the "importance and great opportunities" of the appraisal profession, even 3 (three) quizzes, which were asked by the MC, were also answered by the selected participants very well and perfectly.

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