(FEB NEWS) Seeing that the halal industry in Indonesia continues to develop from time to time, the Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Airlangga (FEB UNAIR) does not want to be left behind in taking part in this development and growth. On Wednesday, 13 July 2022, FEB UNAIR in collaboration with the UNAIR HALAL CENTER and the Halal Product Guarantee Organizing Agency of the Indonesian Ministry of Religion (BPJPH) held a seminar discussing research/research in the halal sector with the big theme "Research/Innovation Exposure to Alternative Products and Raw Materials Halal: Strengthening Indonesia's Halal Industry Towards a Center for Halal Producers in 2024." This seminar was attended by the Minister of Industry of the Republic of Indonesia, represented by the Expert Staff of the Minister of Industry for Business Climate and Investment of the Republic of Indonesia, Mr. Andi Rizaldi. The Chancellor of Universitas Airlangga , represented by the Deputy Chancellor for Research, Innovation and Community Development Universitas Airlangga , Prof. Dr. Ni Nyoman Tri Puspaningsih M.Si, Head of the Halal Product Guarantee Organizing Agency (BPJPH), Dr. Muhammad Aqil Irham, M.Sc, Head of the Center for Halal Registration and Certification, Halal Product Guarantee Organizing Agency, Ministry of Religion of the Republic of Indonesia, Dr. H. Mastuki, M.Ag., Chair of the Universitas Airlangga Halal Center, Dean and Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Airlangga were also present at the venue. Apart from that, the seminar was also attended by the Coordinator of the BPJPH Halal Cooperation and Standardization Center, Mrs. Fertiana Santy, Ph.D, Chair of the Sharia Economics Department, FEB UNAIR, Dr. Sri Herianingrum, SE, M.Sc., Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Animal Husbandry, Gadjah Mada University, Chair of the Halal Center Institute at UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang, as well as several other invited guests. 


The One Day Seminar was held in a hybrid manner, namely in the Fadjar Notonagoro Hall FEB UNAIR and via Zoom Meeting. Guided by MC, Ratu Shalsabila Arifin and Muhammad Ichsanul Aulia, students of Islamic Economics FEB UNAIR at 09.00 WIB, the seminar officially started. After singing the national anthem Indonesia Raya, the Airlangga Hymn, and reading prayers, the keynote speech and remarks were delivered.


Mr. Andi Rizaldi, expert staff of the Minister of Industry for Business Climate and Investment of the Republic of Indonesia, in his keynote speech said that one of the visions of the 2045 Indonesian Development Pillar is improving science and technology (IPTEK) and the government has issued regulations to support the vision of this pillar.



He also said that Indonesia was ranked seventh in the world with the most publications with 14,090 publications. Data shows that Indonesia is still lagging behind in terms of research and publications compared to other world Islamic conference countries. Apart from that, the main problem with halal products in Indonesia is that raw materials and auxiliary materials are still imported. Therefore, Indonesia's current challenge in the halal sector is how to create local substitutes for imported raw materials. And to make this happen, one of the steps that needs to be taken is research and innovation. And the Innovation Portal held by BPJPH is a link for all research and innovation so that it can speed up finding answers to existing halal product problems.


Then a speech was delivered by the Deputy Chancellor for Research, Innovation and Community Development Universitas Airlangga , Prof. Dr. Ni Nyoman Tri Puspaningsih, M.Sc. In his speech, he mentioned that to support the development of halal products, Universitas Airlangga has a Halal Center. In fact, continuing from Mr. Andi Rizaldi's discussion regarding raw materials, Universitas Airlangga has produced halal capsule products made from halal seaweed substances. This can support the independence of halal raw materials and Indonesian medicines. And if Indonesia has achieved independence in halal raw materials, it will be able to export it to the world's Muslim population. Therefore, halal research is needed so that the public gets as much information as possible. 


The second speech was delivered by the Chairman of the Halal Product Guarantee Organizing Agency (BPJPH) of the Republic of Indonesia, Dr. Muhammad Aqil Irham, M.Sc. He mentioned that halal has now become a global trend that is a concern for several countries. There are 35 countries collaborating with BPJPH, most of which consist of Latin American and European countries. For foreign countries, the population's very high spending on halal products makes them tempted to take part. However, this has caused a shift in the term halal to be related to industry, market growth and the economy, so that it has become popular with the global market. According to him, the role of universities is very strategic in developing science and technology, especially in guaranteeing halal products. Finally, he also agreed with the statements of Mr. Andi Rizaldi and Prof. Dr. Ni Nyoman Tri Puspaningsih, M.Sc. related to Indonesia's challenges regarding raw materials that are still imported and the need for research and innovation to solve these problems. His remarks were closed by the Halal Innovation Portal Launching procession.


Then the event continued with the Signing of the Halal Product Guarantee Cooperation Agreement between the Halal Product Guarantee Organizing Agency (BPJPH) of the Republic of Indonesia, Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Airlangga . The Halal Product Guarantee Cooperation Agreement was signed by Dr. Muhammad Aqil Irham, M.Sc as Head of the Halal Product Guarantee Organizing Agency (BPJPH) accompanied by the Head of the Halal Registration and Certification Center of the Halal Product Guarantee Organizing Agency, Ministry of Religion of the Republic of Indonesia - Dr. H. Mastuki, M.Ag. and Prof. Dr. Dian Agustia, SE., MSi., Ak. CMAs. CA. as Dean of FEB UNAIR accompanied by the Chair of the Sharia Economics Department, FEB UNAIR. This collaboration includes MBKM (Free Learning Campus) and several points regarding the Tri Dharma of Higher Education.

(Signing of the Halal Product Guarantee Cooperation Agreement by Dr. Muhammad Aqil Irham, M.Sc - Head of the Halal Product Guarantee Organizing Agency (BPJPH) and Prof. Dr. Dian Agustia, SE., MSi., Ak. CMA. CA. as Dean FEB UNAIR.)


After the speech, launching and signing of the collaboration, the event continued with a talk show with the theme "Alternative Raw Materials in the Halal Industry" moderated by Mr. Sulistya Rusgianto, Ph.D. along with the main speakers, Prof. Ir. Yuny Erwanto, S.Pt., MP., PhD, IPM (Institute for Halal Industry & System) - Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Animal Husbandry, Gadjah Mada University, Dr. Agung Sosiawan, drg., M.Kes. - Dean of the Faculty of Dentistry, Universitas Airlangga , Dr. Begum Fauziyah - Chair of the Halal Center Institute, UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang.


Prof. Ir. Yuny Erwanto, S.Pt., MP., PhD, in his material explained the use of collagen in Indonesia, where the consumption level is very high and is not only used in one particular field. One of them is in the field of cosmetics which is currently a trend among women. Collagen itself can be made from cows, fish or pork, but the material most widely used as a base for collagen is pork. Because the most slaughtered animals in European countries and China are these animals.  


Indonesia itself consumes 100% collagen and gelatin imported from abroad. Meanwhile, in Malaysia, there is a company that produces collagen from fish as the base ingredient. However, the source of the ingredients used (fish) comes from Indonesia due to limited resources in Malaysia. This shows that Indonesia actually has the potential for resources to develop itself, but it has not been supported by the state.


Then the second speaker, namely Dr. Agung Sosiawan, drg., M.Kes., discussed the relationship between dentistry and halal. That on average dental materials are also imported, as stated by Mr Andi Rizaldi in his keynote speech too. However, if discussed in a forensic context, the connection is to ensure that its use in the wider community does not contain haram ingredients and is related to regulations and policies. So it is very important for us to make efforts to investigate whether it was intentional or not in cases of mixing halal and non-halal ingredients. Especially in food products. One of the methods used is PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction) because it is the most powerful method for DNA amplification.  


And the last speaker, namely Dr. Begum Fauziyah, discussing her research in the pharmaceutical field. There are 3 provisions for pharmaceutical product ingredients; originating from animals, plants and microbes, which can be developed while still referring to these materials. Nearly 95% of pharmaceutical ingredients are imported from abroad, as explained by Mr Andi Rizaldi previously, with 60% from China and 30% from India. And these two countries are not Muslim countries. Therefore, he conducted research regarding substantial materials that could be used in the pharmaceutical field. One of them is cellulose which can be produced from sugarcane bagasse. He also saw that Indonesia has the potential to produce cellulose from sugarcane bagasse, because Indonesia is one of the 10 largest sugarcane producing countries and has a high amount of bagasse waste. This creates an opportunity for Indonesia as a country producing halal cellulose.


After the Talkshow 1 session closed with questions and answers, the event continued with Talkshow 2 with the theme "...". Talkshow 2 was moderated by Mr. Dr. Mochammad Soleh SE, M.EI. along with two speakers, Dr. Ririn Tri Ratnasari, SE., M.Sc. Chair of the Center for Halal Industry and Digitalization (CHID), Lecturer in Islamic Economics, Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Airlangga and Mr. Dr. Phil. Syafiq Hasyim, MA. Director of Library and Culture at the Indonesian International Islamic University (UIII).


Dr. Ririn Tri Ratnasari, SE., M.Si. in his material he discusses research into halal tourism, which turns out to provide extraordinary income to Indonesia's GDP. In general, Halal Tourism is tourism that is based on Islamic values. He emphasized Halal Tourism in Sumatra because he had received awards for existing halal tourism, apart from the fact that there were Islamic cultural sites. In Dr. Ririn, respondents based on field facts that Muslim visitors find it easy to access various things, destinations, and their suitability for Islamic culture. Even though there are many good aspects as one of Indonesia's halal tourism, West Sumatra still needs more commitment to improve the quality of halal tourism there.


Then Mr. Dr. Phil. Syafiq Hasyim, MA. presenting material on halal issues from the perspective of Islamic law or fiqh. He said that previously there had been a bit of debate, why are halal goods certified and not haram? Because there are more halal goods than haram goods and more goods will cost more.  


Indonesia generally uses the Shafi'i school of thought, where a halal product also requires a halal process, not just the halal goods. Meanwhile, the system in Indonesia has not yet reached this point and is a weakness of the Indonesian system. According to him, Indonesia's system, which is not yet inclusive, cannot guarantee the realization of Indonesia as the World Halal Center in 2024.


After holding questions and answers regarding the material presented in Talkshow 2, the event was paused with ISHOMA then continued with a Halal Research Panel session which was divided into two groups with different topics and moderators for each. Mrs. Puji Sucia Sukmaningrum, SE., CIFP. with the topic "Halal Pharmacy and Cosmetics" and Mr. Adistiar Prayoga, S.EI., MM with the topic "Halal Tourism and Food". At the end of the session, the moderator concluded the discussion and officially closed the event.