(FEB NEWS) On Wednesday, March 30 2022, the process of signing the "Cooperation Agreement" between the Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Airlangga (FEB UNAIR) and the Faculty of Economics and Business, Musamus University (FEB UNMUS) Merauke, Papua, took place. From Tirtodiningrat Hall, 2nd Floor FEB UNAIR.

Process of Signing the "Cooperation Agreement" between FEB UNAIR and FEB UNMUS Merauke, Papua by (from left to right): 1. Prof. Dr. Dian Agustia, SE., MSi., Ak., CMA., CA. – Dean of FEB UNAIR and 2.) Okto Irianto, SE., MSi., Ak. – Dean of FEB UNMUS Merauke, Papua, accompanied by: 1.) Dr. Ahmad Rizki Sridadi – Deputy Dean III FEB UNAIR (far left); 2.) Dr. Irine Herdjiono SE M.Si. – Deputy Chancellor I Musamus University Merauke, Papua (far right).

Before the signing process was finally carried out, collaboration initiation activities had been carried out directly by the Deputy Chancellor I - Musamus University Merauke, Papua - Dr. Irine Herdjiono SE M.Si., (who incidentally is an alumnus of Masters - Accounting and Doctoral Management Sciences FEB UNAIR), both through the leadership of the Rectorate Universitas Airlangga to the leadership of the Dean of FEB UNAIR, which was then continued with a follow-up discussion on the Cooperation Agenda between FEB UNAIR with FEB UNMUS Merauke, Papua, regarding the points that will be collaborated, so that it can be continued with the Manuscript signing procession "Cooperation Agreement" between the 2 parties.
The Cooperation Agreement which includes the Tri Dharma of Higher Education, was signed by the Dean of FEB UNAIR – Prof. Dr. Dian Agustia., SE., MSi., Ak., CMA., CA. accompanied by Deputy Dean III FEB UNAIR – Dr. Ahmad Rizki Sridadi, and from FEB UNMUS Merauke, Papua by: Dean of FEB UNMUS Merauke, Papua – Okto Irianto, SE., MSi., Ak. accompanied by Deputy Chancellor I – Musamus University Merauke, Papua – Dr. Irine Herdjiono SE., M.Sc.

Signing of the "Cooperation Agreement" manuscript, witnessed by Deputy Dean I FEB UNAIR - Dr. Wisnu Wibowo, also the S1 Study Program KPS, from both parties, from FEB UNAIR: 1.) Development Economics S1 Study Program KPS - Rumayya, SE., M. Reg. Dev., Ph.D.; 2.) KPS Bachelor of Management Study Program - Dr. Dien Mardiah, SE., MSi.; and 3.) KPS Bachelor of Accounting Study Program - Alfiyatul Qomariyah, S.Ak., MBA., Ph.D.; while from FEB UNMUS Merauke, Papua: 1.) Head of the Accounting Department - Caecilia Henny SE., M.Sc.; 2.) Head of the Management Department - Simon Siamsa SE., M.Si; and 3.) Head of the Development Economics Department - Romualdus Djanggo SE., M.Sc.



From middle to left: 1.) Dean of FEB UNAIR - Prof. Dr. Dian Agustia., SE., MSi., Ak., CMA., CA.; 2.) KPS Bachelor of Management Study Program - Dr. Dien Mardiah, SE., MSi.; 3.) KPS Bachelor of Accounting Study Program - Alfiyatul Qomariyah, S. Ak., MBA., Ph.D.; 4.) Deputy Dean I FEB UNAIR – Dr. Wisnu Wibowo; and 5.) Deputy Dean III FEB UNAIR – Dr. Ahmad Rizki Sridadi; while from middle to right: 1.) Dean of FEB UNMUS Merauke, Papua – Okto Irianto, SE., MSi., Ak.; 2.) Deputy Chancellor I – Musamus University Merauke, Papua – Dr. Irine Herdjiono SE., M.Sc.; 3.) Head of the Accounting Department - Caecilia Henny SE., M.Si.; 4.) Head of the Management Department - Simon Siamsa SE., M.Si.; and 5.) Head of the Development Economics Department - Romualdus Djanggo SE., M.Si.

Hopefully the collaboration that exists can bring blessings to both parties, in carrying out the mandate to produce superior scholars/human resources in the national and international arena, for Indonesia.

Greetings from us, FEB UNAIR,

Synergizing with Heart, Producing Superior Human Resources for Indonesia
Excellence With Morality for Indonesia