(FEB NEWS) Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Airlangga (FEB UNAIR), again received a Comparative Study Visit, this time from the Faculty of Economics and Business, Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta (FEB UMS), on Tuesday, March 8 2022 from AULA Fadjar Notonagoro, 2nd Floor FEB UNAIR.

During the visit, a team of 10 people from FEB UMS was present, led directly by Dr. Muzakar Isa, SE., MSi. – Deputy Dean I FEB UMS. The purpose of the visit was to stay in touch, as well as broaden the knowledge of the FEB UMS Management Study Program Managers, prepare for International Accreditation as well as explore the establishment of cooperation between the two parties.

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As host, Prof. Dr. Dian Agustia, SE., MSi., AK., CMA., CA. – Dean of FEB UNAIR accompanied by Deputy Dean I – Dr. Wisnu Wibowo and Deputy Dean III – Dr. Ahmad Rizki Sridadi; also Chair of the Management Department – ​​Dr. Gancar Candra C. Premananto; Secretary of Management Department - Dr. Yetti Dwi Lestari., ST., MT.; Study Program Coordinator - Bachelor of Management - Dr. Dien Mardiah, SE., MSi.; and Secretary of the Study Program - Bachelor of Management - Made Gitanadya Ayu Aryani, SE., MSM.

The discussion went very well with extraordinary enthusiasm from the FEB UMS Team. The hope for this visit is that this visit can be the beginning of establishing mutually beneficial cooperation for both parties in the future, and of course FEB UNAIR through Deputy Dean III and Deputy Dean I stated that the opportunities for establishing collaboration are very open. Then the session ended with a Site Visit of Facilities at FEB UNAIR.

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Greetings from us, FEB SATU – UNAIR GREAT