The Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) Universitas Airlangga together with PT Indo Premier Sekuritas carry out continuous collaboration to provide mutual contributions and benefits in efforts to implement and develop education for the younger generation, community service, and improve the quality of human life to support sustainable development goals ( SDGs).

The process of signing the Collaboration Agreement between the Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Airlangga (FEB UNAIR) and PT Indo Premier Sekuritas was carried out on Wednesday 15 September 2021 in Surabaya.

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Both parties agreed to collaborate for a period of 3 (three years), starting from the signing of the cooperation contract agreement on September 15 2021, which covers the Tri Dharma of Higher Education, which includes Education and Teaching, Research and Development, and Community Service.

The forms of collaboration carried out are divided into various programs which are expected to be able to improve the scientific quality and knowledge of the FEB UNAIR academic community, such as the availability of investment gallery facilities which can be used to provide data on buying and selling transactions recorded in running trades for research purposes as well as organizing Capital Market School activities. (SPM) and its follow-up activities. Apart from that, this collaboration also facilitates internship activities that can provide work experience for FEB UNAIR students. The next agreement is related to job opportunities for FEB UNAIR candidates or graduates to work at PT Indo Premier Sekuritas which are tailored to the needs and requirements of the company.

Hopefully the collaboration that has existed between FEB UNAIR SURABAYA and PT Indo Premier Sekuritas will always bring blessings and bring benefits to both parties, society, nation and state.