FEB Unair webAngga Erlando SE, MEcDev and Rossanto Dwi Handoyo., P.hD, two lecturers in the International Economics concentration from the Department of Economics, Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Airlangga (FEB UNAIR) succeeded in winning 1st Winner in the Call For Paper, Journal Of event Interdisciplinary Socio-Economic And Community Study (JISCOS) 2021. This event is a series of the 6th Conference and Congress of the Indonesian Development Economic Study Program Management Alliance (APSEPI) which was held in Malang City by Brawijaya University.

One of the series of conferences that took place carried the big theme of community service. The paper proposed by Mr. Lando and Mr. Ross (his familiar name) has the title Community Service Program for 2021 through the Universitas Airlangga . The target partner for this Community Service Program is located in Juruan Daya Village, Batu Putih District, Sumenep Regency. Analysis of the situation, which was carried out through direct visits to the field and exploring the phenomena that occurred, provided information that much of the infrastructure was inadequate, especially road and internet network accessibility, the position of the village was lacking in strategy (going inward), and there was no acceleration in increasing the village's potential. Some of the potential in question arises from youth resources which are quite large, the structure of village officials who tend to be of productive age, natural potential and resource development which is quite promising, especially for the livestock sector (layers, broilers, white eggs, cows, and the like). , farming of corn, rice, beans, and cassava/cassava.

These conditions encouraged the team to take the initiative to create the "Smart Village" Digitalization Program so that it could encourage the development of the potential of Juruan Daya Village, Batu Putih District, Sumenep Regency. The digitalization program in question will focus on three major aspects such as (1) village administration and government services; (2) village branding and development, and; (3) community empowerment through improving marketing management of community businesses, so that they can rely on more effective and efficient forms of digitalization. These three things are interrelated in the process of improving the quality of welfare and empowering villages, especially in Juruan Daya, in a better direction.
February competition to be the winner
The "Smart Village" Digitalization Program has three main activities including: (1) Activities to improve Village Administration and Government Services which are carried out with assistance in building internet networks (through allocation of village funds), as well as assistance and training in the use of digital media in village officials' activities; (2) Village Branding Improvement and Development activities through training in processing village branding materials such as photos, videos and similar documentation through digital platforms or social media, as well as training in exploring branding that villages should have by utilizing digital platforms or social media; (3) Activities to Improve Village Community Business Marketing through training in utilizing social media for online marketing purposes and increasing sales, and training in utilizing market places for online marketing purposes and increasing sales.

The hope is that the fighting spirit of the two lecturers who like playing badminton from the Department of Economics, Faculty of Economics, FEB UNAIR, will be able to inspire lecturers, students and the academic community at Universitas Airlangga to consistently develop Community Service Programs in the future. Apart from being an obligation for campuses to play a role in implementing the Tri Dharma, the fundamental context of the Community Service Program also supports the success of the program and commitment to SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals SDGs) now and in the future.