Last Saturday, May 19 2018, coinciding with the month of Ramadhan 1439 H, UKF AcSES FEB Unair held a charity activity for orphans at the Al-Bisri Orphan Islamic Boarding School Foundation, Jalan Gunung Anyar Lor gang II no 26, Surabaya. This activity is called ASR (AcSES Social Responsibility).

The event entitled "Share Happiness with Love" was filled with various sessions, starting with opening prayers and speeches by AcSES and the foundation, continued by playing games together, watching short motivational films, giving prizes, breaking fast together, until closing with Taraweeh prayers together. 'Ah.

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This AcSES Social Responsibility activity involves participation from many parties, where not only internal AcSES members have the opportunity to set aside their wealth for orphans, but AcSES also provides opportunities for other students of the Faculty of Economics and Business, Airlangga University as well as previous AcSES alumni to help. orphans. The proceeds of the donation are then distributed directly to the Al-Bisri Islamic Boarding School Foundation for orphans and the remaining portion is distributed to orphans through the ZISWAF fund management institution, namely LMI.

By holding this activity, AcSES hopes that many benefits and blessings will arise, hopefully the assistance given to orphans can slightly reduce the burden of life experienced by them and provide Ramadan happiness..

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