On September 17-22, the Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Airlangga , held collaborative visits with several universities in Pakistan, including Quwaid I Azam University (QAU), International Islamic University Islamabad (IIUI), Bahria University (BU), Lahore University of Management and Science. (LUMS) and Punjab University (PU). Pakistan is Indonesia's strategic partner in the field of education, because apart from the distance being not too far, there are also similar religions and cultural closeness between the two countries. During the visit, Universitas Airlangga sent several delegations from several faculties led directly by the vice chancellor 3, Prof. Dr. Amin Alamsyah, while the Faculty of Economics and Business was represented by Deputy Dean III Dr. Nisful Laila, SE., M.Com.


 On the occasion of the visit, the Unair delegation also visited the Indonesian Ambassador to Pakistan and was treated to dinner by the Indonesian ambassador to Pakistan, namely Mr. Iwan Suyudhie Amri, who was accompanied by several Indonesian Embassy staff who welcomed the group warmly. Apart from the main agenda of signing the MoU, the delegates also gave guest lectures at several universities visited, as well as dialogue with Pakistani students. It is hoped that with this collaboration, students and lecturers between universities can carry out mobility programs, both in the form of exchange programs and Double Degree programs as well as community development programs.