UNAIR NEWS – A total of 65 students from the Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) carried out a village servant development program in one of the target villages in Jombang. The village servant program is a form of the Tri Dharma of Higher Education, namely community service.

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The village servant program, which has been running for the sixth year, was initiated by BEM FEB UNAIR. The village service which was held in Jipurapah Village, Brangkal Hamlet and Kedung Dendeng Hamlet, Palandaan District, Jombang Regency was part of a series of events for the 57th FEB Anniversary.

Head of the community service department, Dimas Agil Arianto, an Accounting student class of 2015, hopes that in the 6th year of village servant development, the quality of the surrounding community can be improved. Both in the fields of education, health, economics and the environment.

Community service is carried out in two hamlets at once, Brangkal Hamlet and Kedung Dendeng Hamlet. The 65 students who participated in the village service were selected from hundreds of applicants from four study programs at FEB.

Yusril Erlangga as the chief executive of village servants said that there were 2 hamlets occupied by students within one week. Brangkal Hamlet on 13-16 August, while Kedungdendeng Hamlet on 16-23 August 2018.

During the implementation of village servants, students live in the homes of local residents. So, in the community service, the village servant committee continues to have contact with local residents. Therefore, Yusril Erlangga always emphasizes an attitude of responsibility towards the committees under him.

"We hope that students who are involved in society will not only be able to interact with the community and help the community. "However, the 65 students were able to draw on every available experience, and were able to respond to every problem that arose in Jipurapah village," he said.

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The departure of the 2018 village servant committee was released by Dr. Rudi Purwono as Deputy Dean 1 FEB UNAIR. In the release, he advised students to bring blue alma mater jackets with the UNAIR logo on the left. "So be responsible and look after it until you return," explained Rudi. (*)

Author: Rolista Dwi Oktavia

Editor: Binti Q. Masruroh

Source: Unair News