Temilreg 2018 FEB Unair 1 

TELMIREG (Regional Scientific Meeting) 2018 was held by the Islamic Economic Study Silaturrahim Forum (FoSSEI), Sharia Economics and Financial Society and the Islamic Economics Study Group Muamalah IAIN Tulungagung, on 2 – 5 February 2018 at IAIN Tulungagung with the theme " Strategy to Encourage MSME Growth Indonesia through Fintech for the Economic Welfare of the People " which has 3 competition branches, namely the Islamic Economics Olympiad, Call for Sharia Paper, and Business Plan.

AcSES , which is one of the Islamic economics study groups, delegated 9 teams from various study programs, namely Development Economics, Management and Accounting. Of the 9 delegated teams, AcSES succeeded in winning the overall championship with details:

- 1st place in Call for Sharia Paper won by Yuliandi Fikri's team (EP 2015) and colleagues,

Temilreg 2018 FEB Unair won 1st place

- 2nd place in Call for Sharia Paper won by M. Farhan's team (EP 2016) and colleagues,

Temilreg 2018 FEB Unair won 2nd place

- 3rd place in Business Plan won by the Arfin Pratama team (2015 Management) and colleagues.

Temilreg 2018 FEB Unair won 3rd place