The Central Statistics Agency (BPS) in collaboration with the Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Airlangga (FEB Unair) held a guest lecture on Thursday, 19 October 2017 at the FEB Unair Tower Hall. This guest lecture takes the theme "The Current Situation of the Employment Sector in Indonesia" and can be attended by students and the general public for free. The resource person is the Head of the BPS RI Education and Training Center (Pusdiklat), Dr. Razali Ritonga, MA who has expertise in the field of employment.
The event began with solemn singing of the song Indonesia Raya by all participants. The event continued with remarks by the Coordinator of the Master of Economics Study Program, FEB Unair, Dr. Wisnu Wibowo, SE, M.Si. In his speech, Wisnu said that cooperation between BPS and Unair needed to be improved and hoped that in the future BPS could provide guest lectures more often with various interesting and relevant themes.
A guest lecture moderated by Rumayya Batubara, Ph.D., Razali presented various latest data on the situation of the employment sector in Indonesia. Not to forget, Razali also pointed out several interesting phenomena in the Indonesian employment sector, especially those related to wages, unemployment and gender. Inevitably, when the question and answer session opened, participants competed to raise their hands to ask questions. In fact, there were several participants who asked Razali questions after the event was over.
At the end of the event, FEB Unair represented by Rumayya gave Razali a souvenir and took a photo together. This event was attended by 102 participants from internal and external circles. This event ran smoothly and successfully. (adle)