The month of February is often identified with the day of sharing love. And many parties still make it a controversial discussion topic, but MM FEB Unair sees it from a different perspective. February is used as a momentum to carry out CSR activities. In collaboration with Mobilio Indonesia Community (Mobility), activities were held that were different from activities related to other Valentine's Day .

On Sunday, February 12 2017, dozens of Honda Mobilio cars from various regions in East Java, led by its Chairman Dadi Haryadi, gathered at the MM FEB Unair yard. One of the members, Heru, even came from Pacitan, leaving since midnight to socialize with other community members.

Mobility's ground meeting activity this time gave rise to a different CSR activity. MM FEB Unair and Mobility see that love must not only be given to couples and families, but also to the city of Surabaya. For this reason, the theme of the activity was " Love Surabaya, green & clean ". This theme originates from the concerns of many car users who still like to throw rubbish outside their cars. That they are the ones who are more worthy of being called 'garbage men', because they throw rubbish carelessly. Meanwhile, what is usually called a garbage man is basically a 'cleaner'. Thus, at this event, MM FEB Unair and Mobility tried to carry out social marketing , namely activities to change the attitudes and behavior of car users in keeping the city clean. This was also confirmed by one of the officers, Sukandar, who was considered the elder of the cleaning officers, who said that they often also encountered car users throwing rubbish on the roads that had been swept and also in the river. There are still many car users who do not have the awareness to keep their city clean.

For this reason, Mobility intends to become a car community that provides an example for driving that not only meets Safety Riding , but also Green Riding . Mobility members' cars were seen to be equipped with equipment to support cleanliness in the car, such as trash cans, brooms, cikrak, etc. All cars are also checked for emission levels by the Royal Honda Kenjeran Workshop. The car with the most complete cleaning equipment and the best emission levels will receive an award.

Furthermore, in this event philanthropic activities were also carried out, namely by giving souvenirs to the cleaning officers, as an appreciation for Mobility and MM FEB Unair to these officers. Apart from being entertained with musical entertainment. Even Sukandar as a janitor contributed his voice singing "Not All Men"

Apart from CSR activities, Mobility members visited MM FEB Unair also with the aim of improving the education of their members. On this occasion, KPS MM FEB Unair, Dr. Gancar C. Premananto delivered very related material, namely regarding Brand Community and CSR which was worth publishing. The material presented received enthusiasm from Mobility members, who mostly came with their families. There were even door prizes for staying at the Maxone Dharmahusada hotel and the Artotel Surabaya hotel in connection with the management material provided.

The event ended with joy from all parties, both from the cleaning staff association, Mobility members and MM FEB Unair staff. May blessings be upon all supporters of the event... Aamiin.