D:\Asa PKL\FOTO\SMAN 1 Gresik Visit\SMA 1 Gresik\photo\DSC_8519.JPGThe first Student Visit in 2020 felt different from the previous year, (Tuesday 14 January 2020) SMA Negeri 1 Gresik (SMAN 1 Gresik) visited the Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Airlangga . The speaker, Mr. Noven Suprayogi, SE., M.Si., Ak Coordinator of the Islamic Economics Undergraduate Study Program, who is famous for his skills in giving lectures in the form of E-learning, gave very interesting material, especially when he gave games via the www.menti.com .


Noven Suprayogi, SE., M.Si., Ak (Coordinator of the Islamic Economics Undergraduate Study Program) campus visit speaker

During the visit, Mr. Noven invited the students to play games about what professions and study programs they were interested in. The most exciting part of this session was that they could ask any questions through these games. Almost all students wrote questions, most of them asked about the strictness of study programs at FEB Unair, average entry scores for FEB Unair, undergraduate and postgraduate scholarships, admission pathways at FEB Unair, entry requirements for the International Undergraduate Program, career opportunities for FEB Unair graduates, payment for lectures, and so on more than 15 different questions.

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Games given by Noven Suprayogi, SE., M.Si., Ak (Coordinator of Islamic Economics Undergraduate Study Program)

The students were even more enthusiastic about asking questions through these games, when listening to the sharing season given by SMAN 1 Gresik Alumni, Muhammad Syaikh Rohman, M.Ec., or more familiarly called Mas Syaikh when he was still studying at FEB Unair.

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Muhammad Syaikh Rohman, M.Ec., Alumni of SMAN 1 Gresik and Alumni of Development Economics-FEB Unair

Starting the story, Mas Syaikh said that Mr Noven was a historical witness to his success. In his past, as a rural villager who had high aspirations, in order to be able to continue his Masters studies, he had to first go through failing the TOEFL test 10 times, until finally Mas Syaikh was able to get a full scholarship to continue his Masters studies in Australia. Through this story, Mas Syaikh emphasized to his younger siblings to start now by becoming familiar with the TOEFL test, IELTS test so that it is easier to achieve their dreams of continuing their higher education abroad through scholarships.

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(from right to left) Head of Subdivision. Student Affairs Indah Yulia Prafitaningtiyas, MT. , Head of Subdivision. TU Dra. Diah Prihatiningsih, MM., Ak., Counseling Guidance Teacher Dra. Noer Chasanah M.Pd., Kons and Liza Fauziah S.Pd., Class XII IPS 1 Teacher Drs. Suhari M.Pd., Coordinator of the Undergraduate Islamic Economics Study Program Noven Suprayogi, SE., M.Si., Ak., Alumni of SMAN 1 Gresik and FEB Unair Muhammad Syaikh Rohman, ME

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Tour De Campus by students of SMAN 1 Gresik 

After the students of SMAN 1 Gresik were satisfied with the answers given by Mr. Noven, they became even more enthusiastic because they were invited by Saad (President of BEM FEB Unair), Glenn Fitzgerald (Vice President of BEM FEB Unair), Ayu Maharani Putri (Head of the External Relations Department) and members to Go around to see the facilities at the Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Airlangga .

Hopefully the visit will provide an impression and blessing for the students of SMAN 1 Gresik. (iwl)