It was an honor for MM FEB Unair, that on Tuesday 20 December 2016, he received a visit from administrators, lecturers and educational staff from the ITS Master of Technology Management (MMT). A total of 25 colleagues from MMT ITS attended to stay in touch with the management, lecturers and staff of MM FEB Unair.

Udisubakti Ciptomulyono, as the manager of MMT ITS, said that the purpose of the visit was to study various things including the education system, budgeting curriculum, administration, provision of facilities, etc. With this aim, the head of MM FEB, Dr.
Gancar C. Premananto accompanied by EDP director Dr. Sri Hartini, took the group on a tour of all the rooms in the MM building. Several of the newest rooms in the MM building were shown, such as the international room, HIMA and IKA MM rooms, student lounge room, thesis room in addition to the lecture room, prayer room and office. After the group was satisfied with the tour, the management process at MM Unair was explained in detail. The event then continued with a discussion, which took place in a friendly manner. From the results of the discussion, several cooperation ideas for the 2017 program emerged.

And, after eating, praying and taking photos together, the visit ended with the guests feeling satisfied.


Hopefully it will be a blessed visit for all parties... Aamiin