Another international achievement was made by a Management lecturer at FEB Unair. In the first MACFEA-AACIM international seminar in 2021, one of the scientific research works of a management lecturer received the Best Paper award. Marketing research entitled "Consumer Reactions toward Risks on Tourism Destination: Perspectives of Indonesian Consumer" by Dr. Masmira Kurniawati, Prof Tanti Handriana, Ratri Amelia Aisyah and Dr Gancar Candra Premananto are considered good and have the right to enter the MAJCAFE journal (Scopus indexed Q4).

Presenters from the MACFEA-AACIM International Seminar came from various universities in Indonesia such as Unair, IPB, Unila, Unpad, and UMB as well as from Malaysia such as UPM, UiTM, UKM, UUM, and UTHM.
Congratulations to the award recipients, Alhamdulillah, Baarokallah.