– Paris Hilton is the son of a billionaire owner of the Hilton Hotel chain. Raised in a wealthy environment, he once thought that other people were as rich as he was. An artist who was blind from birth also once stated that he thought the world was dark and that everyone felt the same way.

It may seem strange to us, but that's what happens, and it shows a person's perspective or mindset. There is also a person's mindset is determined by experience and knowledge. We assume their mindset is wrong, because we experience different experiences and knowledge from other people. The same phenomenon and object can be perceived differently by different people, because the brain has different experiences and knowledge.

It may be that we too often have the wrong mindset, especially when we are young or teenagers. A small child who is asked to pray can be jealous of his mother who is unable to pray, "It's good, Mama, don't pray...β€œThis kind of thinking arises because based on his experience, prayer is not fun and even reduces his playing time, his knowledge is still limited about the benefits of prayer. Therefore, needing to change his mindset, we can tell him, β€œWow, yes, you lose, Mama, dik, missed the opportunity to get a reward, can't pray to Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala."

Wrong mindsets are often very extreme, for example, think God is cruel, because life experiences are bitter. God is like a dictator or policeman who requires humans to follow the orders that have been given and monitor them closely so that when we violate, what awaits us in return is hell.

Even though what happened was the opposite, God subhanahu wa ta'ala Most Merciful and Most Merciful. Umar bin Khattab radhiyallahu 'anhu narrated as follows:

'A number of captives were brought to the Prophet Muhammad sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam. Among the prisoners there was a woman who ran around in confusion looking for her baby. After finding her baby, she immediately picked up, held and nursed him. The Prophet turned to his companions and said, "Can you imagine the woman throwing her baby into the fire?" When they answered "No," the Prophet said, "Allah's love for His servants is greater than that of a woman for her child..' (Narrated by Bukhari)

The most beautiful greetings to always be kind to the Creator, for what He has presented and bestowed upon us.

Author: Dr Gancar C. Premananto*

*Coordinator of the Master of Management Study Program FEB Universitas Airlangga Surabaya
