Welcome Party PKK 2020 is a work program of the PKK University Student Resource Development department at Airlangga University. This work program aims to introduce new students to the existence of PKK as a forum for Catholic students to proceed in service to God and others.

Welcome Party 2020 will be held online via the Zoom app. All participants and the preparation committee to log in to zoom, then continued with prayers and opening by the MC. When finished, a welcoming video will be played by the committee which will be done with a sharescreen. Furthermore, there will be remarks by the lecturer as well as the chairman of the 2020 PKK, each for 15 minutes. After completion, there will be a video playback containing a brief introduction to the PKK, so that new students know what the tasks and focus of the PKK are. Video playback will be done on a sharescreen. At around 10.45, there will be individual introductions for each of the new students so that they can get to know each other. After the introduction is complete, it will continue in a small forum, formed into several groups in which there will be 1 companion brother who will answer questions that will be asked by new students. After it was finished, at around 11.45 a.m., the WP PKK 2019 aftermovie video was played which will provide an overview of the welcome party that new students will hold offline next year. End with a closing prayer.