Course unit title

Investment and Portfolio Management

Course unit code


Type of course unit (compulsory, optional)


Level of course units (according to

EQF: first cycle Bachelor, second cycle Master)

The Second cycle of Master Degree Program

Year of study when the course unit is delivered (if applicable)


Semester/trimester when the course unit is delivered

The First Semester of Master Study

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 Credits (4.8 ECTS)

Name of lecturer(s)

Dr. Rahmat Setiawan, SE., MM

Dr. Muhammad Madyan, SE., MSi., M. Finc.

Learning outcomes of the course unit

1. Able to analyze various elements of theory, paradigm, principle, and concept of investment management correctly

2. Able to analyze problems, phenomena and scope of investment through interpretation of relevant data and information

3. Able to implement analysis tools, valuation and management of stock securities through index models, capital assets pricing models, arbitrage pricing theory, multifactor models of risk and premium, and bond securities valuation analysis

4. Able to analyze modern investment theories and international investments

5. Able to produce good quality scientific papers and explain research results both oral and written

Mode of delivery (face-to-face, distance learning)

face to face

Prerequisites and co-requisites (if applicable)


Course content

This course discusses portfolio management, especially those related to investment in financial assets. The first part will review the background, understanding and objectives of investment, investment alternatives, and capital market mechanisms. The second part will discuss the important concepts and theories in investment including the concepts of return and risk, and estimation. The third part will elaborate the analysis, valuation, and management of bond securities. The fourth part will explain the analysis, valuation, and management of stock securities. The fifth part will discuss securities analysis including: economic analysis, industry analysis, company analysis and technical analysis. The sixth part will define the derivative securities including a discussion of options and futures. The seventh part will discuss the modern investment theories. Finally, the final part will talk about investment management and international investment. In addition, the discussion of those various topics will be complemented with international journals articles. 

Recommended or required

Reading and other learning resources/tools

Bodie, Zvi; Alex Kane; Alan J. Marcus; & Ravi Jain, 2014, Investment. 9th Edition, Mc Graw Hill Education (BKM).

Selected scientific articles and cases

Planned learning activities and teaching methods

Papers, assignments, presentations, discussions

Language of instruction


Assessment methods and criteria

Midterm exam (30%), final exam (30%), classwork and participation (20%), critical review of articles (20%)


Description of Course Units according to the ECTS User's Guide 2015


Course unit title

Research Methodology in Financial Management

Course unit code


Type of course unit (compulsory, optional)


Level of course units (according to

EQF: first cycle Bachelor, second cycle Master)

The Second cycle of Master Degree Program

Year of study when the course unit is delivered

(if applicable)


Semester/trimester when the course unit is delivered

The First Semester of Master Study

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 Credits (4.8 ECTS)

Name of lecturer(s)

Dr. Rahmat Setiawan, SE., MM., CFP

Iman Harymawan, SE, MBA, Ph.D

Bayu Arie Fianto, SE, MBA, Ph.D

Learning outcomes of the course unit

Mastering knowledge of research methodologies in financial management science. Students are expected to be able to make a thesis research proposal in accordance with the correct scientific writing rules and present it responsibly and ethically

Mode of delivery (face-to-face, distance learning)

face to face

Prerequisites and co-requisites (if applicable)


Course content

The course discusses the basic concepts of research including:

  1. The introduction of covering the issue, problem formulation, background, novelty, research contribution; literature review, hypothesis development, empirical model, research conceptual framework
  2. Research methods include research approaches, types, operational definitions and measurement of research variables, research samples, analytical techniques.

Recommended or required

Reading and other learning resources/tools

Cooper, D.R., and Schindler, P.S. (2006). Business Research Methods. 11th Edition. McGraw-Hill.

HM Jogiyanto (2007). Business Research Methodology. BPFE-Yogyakarta

Planned learning activities and teaching methods

Students compose and present the summaries of learning materials and case studies according to the meeting 

Language of instruction


Assessment methods and criteria

Final exam (15%), midterm exam (15%), assignments/papers (10%), quizzes (10%), proposals/research results (25%), discussions (15%)


Description of Course Units according to the ECTS User's Guide 2015

Course unit title

Financial Econometrics

Course unit code


Type of course unit (compulsory, optional)


Level of course units (according to

EQF: first cycle Bachelor, second cycle Master)

The Second cycle of Master Degree Program

Year of study when the course unit is delivered

(if applicable)


Semester/trimester when the course unit is delivered

The First Semester of Master Study

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 Credits (4.8 ECTS)

Name of lecturer(s)

Dr. Rahmat Setiawan, SE., MM., CFP

Dr. Rudi Purwono, SE, MSE

Learning outcomes of the course unit

After completing this course, students are expected to be able to master and practice financial econometric analysis tools including simple linear regression models, multiple linear regression models, dummy variable regression models, qualitative response regression models, panel data regression models and simultaneous equation models in research at financial management field.

Mode of delivery (face-to-face, distance learning)

face to face

Prerequisites and co-requisites (if applicable)


Course content

This course elaborates the financial econometric analysis tools including simple linear regression models, multiple linear regression models, dummy variable regression models, qualitative response regression models, panel data regression models and research simultaneous equation models in the field of financial management.

Recommended or required

Reading and other learning resources/tools

Gujarati, Damodar N., Dawn C. Porter, 2009, Basic Econometrics; McGraw Hill, New York. (GP)

Scientific journal articles related to financial econometrics

Planned learning activities and teaching methods

Paper, Discussion, Presentation

Language of instruction


Assessment methods and criteria

Assignment of Summary of Materials and Case Studies (25%)

Group Presentations (15%)

Midterm Exam (30%)

Final Exam (30%)

Description of Course Units according to the ECTS User's Guide 2015

Course unit title

Financial Management Contemporary Issues

Course unit code


Type of course unit (compulsory, optional)


Level of course units (according to

EQF: first cycle Bachelor, second cycle Master)

The Second cycle of Master Degree Program

Year of study when the course unit is delivered

(if applicable)


Semester/trimester when the course unit is delivered

The Second Semester of Master Study

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 Credits (4.8 ECTS)

Name of lecturer(s)

Dr. Rahmat Setiawan, SE., MM., CFP

Prof. Dr. Sri Maemunah Soeharto, SE

Learning outcomes of the course unit

After completing this course, students are expected to be able to understand the various theories and research methodologies in the financial sector deeply. In addition, students are expected to be able to choose certain topics of interest to compose a thesis proposal at the end of the semester based on the critical review of several relevant articles. 

Mode of delivery (face-to-face, distance learning)

face to face

Prerequisites and co-requisites (if applicable)


Course content

This course trains students' arguments in understanding the latest developments in various fields of financial management including corporate finance, investment, and financial intermediary. Students are required to create and discuss critical reviews of various articles and journals. In the middle of the semester, students are required to make a paper based on a topic of their choice. Students are expected to be able to review various literatures of the chosen topic, compiling them into a theoretical framework that will be examined. The results of paper preparation will be presented after midterm exam. 

Recommended or required

Reading and other learning resources/tools

  1. Roos Stephen A, Westerfield Randolph W, Jaffe Jeffrey; Corporate Finance, Ninth Edition, 2010
  2. Wolf Harold, Richardson Lee; Reading in Finance; Appilton 1996
  3. Forbes William, Behavioral Finance, John Wiley & Son Ltd, 2009
  4. Copeland Thomas E, Westeon John Fred, Financial Theory and Corporate Policy, Third Edition, 1998

5.Journal of Finance about capital structure, capital budgeting and investment valuation, dividend policy, financial distress, merger, acquisition and consolidation, strategic working capital management

Planned learning activities and teaching methods

Paper, Presentation, Discussion

Language of instruction


Assessment methods and criteria

Midterm and final exam (40%), assignment (30%), presentation and discussion (30%)


Description of Course Units according to the ECTS User's Guide 2015


Course unit title

International Financial Management

Course unit code

MNK 634

Type of course unit (compulsory, optional)


Level of course units (according to

EQF: first cycle Bachelor, second cycle Master)

The Second cycle of Master Degree Program

Year of study when the course unit is delivered

(if applicable)


Semester/trimester when the course unit is delivered

The Second Semester of Master Study

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 Credits (4.8 ECTS)

Name of lecturer(s)

Dr. Windijarto, SE., MBA

Dr. M. Madyan, SE., M.Sc., M.Fin

Learning outcomes of the course unit

By taking this course, students are expected to be able to plan and organize team members for making decisions in the field of International Financial Management.

Mode of delivery (face-to-face, distance learning)

face to face

Prerequisites and co-requisites (if applicable)


Course content

This course aims to elaborate the Financial Management of Multinational Companies (especially profit-oriented companies) such as understanding that is beneficial for students, managers, investors, consultants, and academics. In general, this course discusses the company/case as a public company (tbk./go public) operating in several countries. The discussion session of this course covers the international business environment, international trade theory, and the main functions of financial management namely: investment decision making, financing decision making, especially for multinational companies.

Recommended or required

Reading and other learning resources/tools

Madurese. Jeff. 2012. “International Corporate Finance” 11th. Ed., Florida Atlantic University

Planned learning activities and teaching methods

Presenting and discussing lecture materials and case studies 

Language of instruction


Assessment methods and criteria

Midterm exam (20%), final exam (20%), presentation (5%), paper (25%), participation and discussion (30%)


Description of Course Units according to the ECTS User's Guide 2015


Course unit title

Banking Management and Financial Institutions

Course unit code


Type of course unit (compulsory, optional)


Level of course units (according to

EQF: first cycle Bachelor, second cycle Master)

The Second cycle of Master Degree Program

Year of study when the course unit is delivered

(if applicable)


Semester/trimester when the course unit is delivered

The Second Semester of Master Study

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 Credits

Name of lecturer(s)

Dr. Rahmat Setiawan, SE., MM., CFP

Dr. Windijarto, MBA

Learning outcomes of the course unit

After completing this course, students are expected to be able to explain the management of banking and financial institutions.

Mode of delivery (face-to-face, distance learning)

face to face

Prerequisites and co-requisites (if applicable)


Course content

Banking and bank management course discusses the management of banks and financial services

Recommended or required

Reading and other learning resources/tools

  1. Rose, Peter S., Sylvia C. Hudgins., 2013, Bank Management and Financial Services; McGraw Hill, New York. (RH)
  2. Scientific journal articles related to bank management and financial services

Planned learning activities and teaching methods

Lecture, Discussion, and Presentation

Language of instruction


Assessment methods and criteria

Assignment of materials summary and case studies (25%), group presentations (15%), midterm exam (30%), final exam (30%)

Description of Course Units according to the ECTS User's Guide 2015


Course unit title

Financial Restructuring

Course unit code


Type of course unit (compulsory, optional)


Level of course units (according to

EQF: first cycle Bachelor, second cycle Master)

The Second cycle of Master Degree Program

Year of study when the course unit is delivered (if applicable)


Semester/trimester when the course unit is delivered

The Second Semester of Master Study

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 Credits (4.8 ECTS)

Name of lecturer(s)

Dr. Fitri Ismiyanti, SE, MSi

Dr. Wisudanto, SE, MM, CFP, ASPM

Learning outcomes of the course unit

1. Understanding and analyzing mergers, acquisitions and corporate restructuring.

2. Understanding and implementing the methods applied in the merger, acquisition, and restructuring process, as well as how the latest regulations affect it

3. Understanding the results of research related to mergers, acquisitions and restructuring, and its relevance to existing theories.

Mode of delivery (face-to-face, distance learning)

face to face

Prerequisites and co-requisites (if applicable)


Course content

This course aims to discuss the mergers, acquisitions, and corporate restructuring. It provides an insight into the current and past phenomena of mergers, acquisitions, and restructuring in various parts of the world and how those phenomena affect companies' value. In addition, discussing the methods applied in the merger, acquisition and restructuring process, as well as how the latest regulations affect it is important material to deliver to the students. Other materials that will be perceived are compensation theory and research results related to mergers, acquisitions and restructuring.


  1. Patrick A. Gaughan 2007, Mergers, Acquitions, and Corporate Testructuring. Fourth edition, Wiley
  2. Andrew J. Sherman, 2010, Mergers and Acquistions from A to Z Third Edition, Amacom.
  3. Alexandra Reed Lajoux and H. Peter Nesvold, 2004, The Art of M&A Structuring Techniques for Mitigating Financial, Tax, and Legal Risk, McGraw-Hill.

4. Alexandra Reed Lajoux, 2005, The Art of M&A Integration  

      2nded: A Guide to Merging Resources, Processes, and    

      Responsibilities, McGraw-Hill

Planned learning activities and teaching methods

Presentation and discussion of lecture materials and case studies given

Language of instruction


Assessment methods and criteria

Final exam (30%), midterm exam (30%), assignment (40%),


Description of Course Units according to the ECTS User's Guide 2015


Course unit title

Financial Management Strategy

Course unit code


Type of course unit (compulsory, optional)


Level of course units (according to

EQF: first cycle Bachelor, second cycle Master)

The Second cycle of Master Degree Program

Year of study when the course unit is delivered

(if applicable)


Semester/trimester when the course unit is delivered

The Third Semester of Master Study

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 Credits (4.8 ECTS)

Name of lecturer(s)

Dr. Rahmat Setiawan, SE., MM., CFP

Dr. Windijarto, MBA.

Learning outcomes of the course unit

Students are expected to be able to explain the relationship between financial decisions and corporate strategy as well as measure and assess companies performance from a financial and strategic point of view

Mode of delivery (face-to-face, distance learning)

face to face

Prerequisites and co-requisites (if applicable)


Course content

Strategic financial management integrates topics in financial management in a simple framework that allows students to understand the interaction of corporate strategy with corporate financial decisions. In addition, this course also elaborates measuring and assessing companies' performance from a financial and strategic point of view

Recommended or required

Reading and other learning resources/tools

Jakhotiya, Girish P., 2012, Strategic Financial Management; Vikas Publishing House Pvt Ltd, New Delhi. (GPJ)

 Scientific journal articles related to strategic financial management

Planned learning activities and teaching methods

Assignment, Presentation, Discussion

Language of instruction


Assessment methods and criteria

Assignment of materials summary and Case Studies (25%), Group Presentations (15%), midterm exam (30%), final exam (30%)


Description of Course Units according to the ECTS User's Guide 2015


Course unit title

Business Analysis and Valuation

Course unit code

AKK 610

Type of course unit (compulsory, optional)


Level of course units (according to

EQF: first cycle Bachelor, second cycle Master)

The Second cycle of Master Degree Program

Year of study when the course unit is delivered

(if applicable)


Semester/trimester when the course unit is delivered

The Third Semester of Master Study

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 Credits (4.8 ECTS)

Name of lecturer(s)

Dr. Windijiarto, SE., MBA

Prof. Dr. Sri Maemunah Soeharto, SE

Learning outcomes of the course unit

After completing this course, students will have the ability to analyze and evaluate financial information presented in financial statements. This is done as consideration in determining the value and risk for making investment decisions and management decisions for the issuer in order to increase the companies' value

Mode of delivery (face-to-face, distance learning)

face to face

Prerequisites and co-requisites (if applicable)


Course content

This course discusses how financial analysts, potential investors, investors use the financial information presented in financial statements in order to evaluate a company's financial condition and valuation as consideration in making investment decisions in securities. Besides, it is also used as an evaluation material for the company's performance, so that the company's strengths and weaknesses can be known for consideration of management decisions in order to increase its value.

Recommended or required

Reading and other learning resources/tools

  1. Foster, George, 1986. Financial Statement Analysis, 2nd edition, Prentice Hall, New Jersey. (code : GF)
  2. Palepu, Healy, Bernard, 2008. Business Analysis and Valuation, 4th edition, South-Western College Publishing. (code: PHB)

Planned learning activities and teaching methods

Lectures, Discussions, and Assignments

Language of instruction


Assessment methods and criteria

Exams (40%), assignments (30%), participation in discussions (30%)