Course unit titles

Business Planning

Course unit code


Type of course unit (compulsory, optional)


Level of course units (according to

EQF: first cycle Bachelor, second cycle Master)

The first cycle of Bachelor Degree Program

Year of study when the course unit is delivered

(if applicable)

2020 - 2021

Semester/trimester when the course unit is delivered

The 5th Semester of Bachelor Study

Number of ECTS credits allocated

4.8 Credits

Name of lecturer(s)

  1. Noorlaily Fitdiarini, SE., MBA
  2. Tri Siwi Agustina, Dr., SE., M.Sc
  3. Nurullaily Kartika, SE., MBA
  4. Made Gitanadya Ayu Ariani, SE., MSM
  5. Chorry Sulistyowati, SE., M.Sc
  6. Nidya Ayu Arina, SM., MSM

Learning outcomes of the course unit

After completing this course, the students are expected to be able to make good business plans.

Mode of delivery (face-to-face, distance learning)

Face-to-face and distance learning (using Great UNAIR platform)

Prerequisites and co-requisites (if applicable)


Course content

Business Planning course discusses the followings:


2-3. Research Planning for Business

4. Presentation & Discussion

5.Plan a Business Plan

6-7.Writing a Business Plan (1)

8-9.Writing a Business Plan (2)

10-11.Writing a Business Plan (3)


Recommended or required

reading and other learning resources/tools

  1. Gassmann, O., Frankenberger, K. & Csik, M., 2014. The Business Model Navigator: 55 models that will revolutionize your business.
  2. Lambing, PA & Kuehl, CR, (2007). Entrepreneurship 3rd Ed., Prentice-Hall

Planned learning activities and teaching methods

classical lectures, assignments, discussions, and Questions & Answers

Language of instructions


Assessment methods and criteria

Midterm & Final Exams (40%), Paper Assignments (20%), Presentations (20%), and Classroom Activities (20%)