UNAIR NEWS – Community Service Program (KKN) is one of the mandatory courses that Universitas Airlangga students must take. As a form of the Tri Dharma of Higher Education, namely community service, KKN is one of the moments that students are waiting for. The reason is, in KKN activities students will be involved directly in the community to implement the knowledge they have acquired in college.

One form of KKN initiated by UNAIR together with the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education is National KKN. The aim of this KKN is to explore the potential in various regions in Indonesia which are still underdeveloped.

This year, in the 58th KKN-BBM UNAIR will send 15 students. The 15 students are Josua Vasdoni (Management), Firdaus Faisal (Legal Sciences), Gangga Pamadya (Management), Fawaied Kiki (Development Economics), M. Nur Fadli (Psychology), Zahrotun Nafisah (Chemistry), Rizky Aprilia (Sciences Nutrition), Dina Mariana (Legal Sciences), Savira Dwita (Anthropology), Widyanti Wibowo (Legal Sciences), Jessica Ozymandias (Anthropology), Ika Shaliha (Aquaculture), Safin Aunilah (Aquaculture), and Umi Kulsum (Biomedical Engineering).

Before being selected as delegates, they must fulfill various requirements to take part in the selection. These include being active in university organizations or having special abilities, having a minimum GPA of 3.0, providing parental permission, and having good mental and physical health. Apart from that, students are also asked to write essays and prepare main and supporting work programs.

In 2018, Lampung State University acted as the host of the National Community Service Program. The plan is for the delegates to depart on July 23. They will hold KKN activities until August 25.

“The feeling when I was selected was of course very grateful because this was part of my dream. "Luckily, I was still able to take part because during the initial selection I was in Jakarta to take part in the competition," said Dina, one of the delegates.

These 15 delegates will later take part in KKN in Lampung. There, they met with delegations from various universities in Indonesia. (*)

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