MM50B FEB Unair Donate for Palu v2
MM50B Students Donate 108 million
Indonesia is a disaster-prone country. Both tectonic earthquakes, volcanic earthquakes, tsunamis, hurricanes, floods, landslides etc. have rocked various cities in Indonesia several times with varying intensities.
For this reason, several things that must become awareness for the Indonesian people are the need for disaster risk mitigation in various forms. The first form is the need for good disaster management, both prevention and management during and after disasters. Learning from various countries such as Japan, which learns how to build a good, earthquake-resistant, and flood-free structure is a basic thing that architects and developers must understand. The second is the need for caring for others. That the behavior of helping others, including in the form of donations, is one of the mitigations of personal risk from disasters. God has created means for His people to be able to avoid danger.
This was stated by KPS MM FEB Unair, Dr. Gancar C. Premananti in the live talk show "Kado Cinta for Palu" held by Masters of Management students batch 50B on Saturday, November 24, 2018 at the ACC building, Unair campus C. Guided by the announcer from Suara Muslim, the talk show also presented the victims of the Palu disaster and the Leader of the Friends of Palestine Calling.
The event became more lively with the presence of religious singer Opick, who besides singing also led the donation auction.
MM50B FEB Unair Donate for Palu v1
And the donations obtained reached more than 108 million Rupiah, which was donated to help brothers and sisters in the Palu area.
What's even more interesting is that the activities held by Batch 50B students are Experiential-based Learning from Business Ethics and CSR courses. The form of the lecture is a learning innovation, which requires students to create innovative and publication-worthy University Social Responsibility activities. With this learning, it is hoped that MM FEB Unair graduates will become excellent future leaders and have excellent social awareness. (gcp)
God bless you...