TEAM 2 champion 3 FEB Unair GSENT 2018 r

The National Islamic Economic Olympiad is one of the series of Gunadarma Sharia Economic Event (GSENT) 2018. GSENT itself is a grand event which is held annually by the Sharia Economic Forum (SEF) of the Faculty of Economics and Business, Gunadarma University. Carrying the theme “Revitalize the Role of Islam in Realizing Indonesia as One of the Largest Economies in the World”  which is currently hot in the midst of students, GSENT aims to accommodate students who have an interest in Islamic economics to improve their intellect and abilities in the process of achieving a common goal, namely to establish an Islamic economy in Indonesia. This activity is also a meeting place for the best students from all universities in Indonesia.

The National Islamic Economic Olympiad consists of several stages, namely the preliminary, semifinal, and final stages Grand finale as the peak event which was held at Gunadarma University Depok, on April 18-21 2018. However, long before the peak event, the participants had to go through the preliminary stage by sending essays and working on virtual tests in a manner online. The preliminary stage is carried out from January to March for the collection of essays with the theme "Realizing Maqashid Al-Shariah to Achieve Economic Justice through Islamic Philanthropy". After the preliminary stage was completed, the 12 best teams were announced that were entitled to qualify for the semifinals at Gunadarma University. The 12 best teams from all universities in Indonesia that successfully passed the semifinals included 3 teams from Airlangga University, 2 teams from Bogor Agricultural University, Hasanudin University, Semarang State University, Gunadarma University, Sunan Kalijaga State Islamic University, Yogyakarta Muhammadiyah University, STEI Tazkia, and Brawijaya University.

The semifinal stage which was held at Gunadarma University consisted of a written test, open discussionand case study. In this series of Olympics, all participants are prohibited from mentioning the identity of their home campus for the objectivity of the assessment. This round of written test aims to test the semi-finalist's level of ability and understanding of the knowledge of Islamic economics and conventional economics. Open discussion became the second semifinal series after the written test. In session open discussion was divided into two groups with the theme of discussion, namely, “Islamic Capitalism: Hugged Or Beaten?”. Each team is given the opportunity to present their arguments guided by a moderator. At this stage, it is expected that each individual from the group will try to show their skills in arguing and supported by valid data.

In the midst of the semifinal round series, participants also attended an international seminar which was part of the GSENT 2018 event series. This international seminar raised the theme of financial technology. The last round of the semifinal series is case study. Each team is entitled to one CASE​ which must be answered, followed by a question and answer session with the jury. Unique in CASE​ study this, each team gets CASE​ from videos that have been provided by the committee from several themes, namely Islamic banking, Islamic capital markets, Islamic microfinance, Islamic philanthropy (ZISWAF), and Islamic macroeconomics. In addition to the mandatory questions, there are two contested questions given after all participants have finished answering the mandatory questions. Half CASE​ study is a round that really tests the participants' sensitivity to the hottest issues of Islamic economics because with time case building 2 minutes participants must be able to answer CASE​ study given by the committee.

After the semifinal series was completed, it was announced that four of the twelve teams that had the right to advance to the final round were announced. Two of the three Universitas Airlangga teams made it to the stage Grand finale with members Abdul Kafi (Islamic Economics Study Program, 2016), Evi Aninatin Ni'Matul Choiriyah (Islamic Economics Study Program, 2016) and Salma Fioren Salsabella (Islamic Economics Study Program, 2016) as Team 1 and Rizka Lailatu Millah (Development Economics Study Program, 2015) , Muhammad Ruliszar (Management Study Program, 2016), and Muhammad Bachrul Ulum Fanani (Accounting Study Program, 2015) as Team 2. Stage Grand finale GSENT 2018 becomes very exclusive because in this round the finalists are given a case that must be presented in the student conference which was attended by students, practitioners, activists and Islamic economic figures. Case given by the committee refers to the big theme of GSENT, namely “Revitalize the Role of Islam in Realizing Indonesia as One of the Largest Economies in the World”. Finalists were given 10 minutes for presentation and 20 minutes for Q&A with the jury and conference participants. This session provides an opportunity for all conference participants to exchange ideas and ideas about Islamic economics.

With a short time, which is less than 24 hours, the finalists of the GSENT Olympics are required to make framework which leads to the above solution CASE​  which are given. FEB Unair team received CASE​ "How can Islamic philanthropy guarantee hifdzul aql?". Actually, if we talk about Islamic philanthropy, of course we will be connected with ZISWAF instruments (zakat, infaq, shadaqah and waqf) which will be used as a tool to ensure the achievement of Islamic philanthropy. hifzul aql.

Grand finale The National Islamic Economic Olympiad closed with the announcement of the winners. The Universitas Airlangga team on this occasion won 1st Place (Abdul Kafi, Evi Aninatin Ni'Matul Choiriyah and Salma Fioren Salsabella) and 3rd Place (Rizka Lailatul Millah, Muhammad Ruliszar and Muhammad Bachrul Ulum Fanani).

Alhamdulillah, by achieving this achievement, the FEB Unair delegation hopes to be able to show that the glory and glory of the Islamic economy can be re-established. With this achievement, they also hope that many students will be inspired and moved to take part in the competition to make their alma mater proud. Many students are capable and smart, but are still reluctant and ashamed to join the competition. They hope to continue to influence and provide benefits to the surrounding environment. While there is still a chance to make the alma mater proud, why not?

For all Islamic economic fighters and Airlangga University students, they uphold the principles, “Moving is tiring, but staying still is more embarrassing” and "The path of da'wah is hard, if there is an easy way of da'wah, we will definitely go the wrong way". Those two principles are what they always hold on to in order to continue to excel and strive to make their beloved alma mater proud. Many people are intelligent, but if the knowledge gained is not used what is the point? The blessing of a science can be realized by implementing it. Good luck with the process and enjoy the process with confidence! ()