An interesting event was held by MM FEB UNAIR. In collaboration with the Executive Development Program (EDP), this time MM FEB UNAIR held a CEO FORUM event: FACING VUCA. In contrast to the CEO Forum in previous years, apart from seminars, management lecturers' art exhibitions were also held, as well as charity activities, under the title Art Fest for Charity. 3 events that stimulate the left brain, right brain and heart are packaged into a series of events in one day.
The CEO Forum was divided into 2 sessions, namely, a practitioner session by presenting the Director of Human Resources and General Affairs of PT PAL Indonesia, Mrs. Etty Soewardani, President Director of PT Tugu Pratama, Mr. Sabam Hutajulu, Ph.D, Chief HR Officer of PT. Surabaya Container Terminal Mr. Mohammad Syafiudin, MBA., PT Bank Jatim, Mr. Rudie and PT Bank BNI Syariah, Mr. Faisal Ramadhan. The material presented is very important, namely how practitioners deal with fragility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity (VUCA, Vulnerability, Uncertainty, Complexity, Ambiguity) from micro and macro environmental conditions. The most important thing that practitioners raise is the importance of HR in dealing with change. Another important value is spirituality in management.
From academics, among others, the Deputy Dean I of FEB Unair as well as the independent commissioner of Bank Jatim, Dr. Rudy Purwono; KPS MM UI, Harryadin Mahardika PhD; and the Director of EDP, Dr. Sri Hartini. The result of this session is the importance of adapting learning materials and training for practitioners, regarding change and VUCA.
In the last session, an auction of paintings by Prof. Dr. Bambang Tjahjadi, regarding the nature of God's Most Merciful which should also be part of the nature of His creatures. His painting was auctioned as part of the charity activities carried out at this event. MM Unair and EDP, intend to donate to children with cancer at Dr Soetomo Hospital. Donations are in the form of reading books as a little antidote for the pain suffered. And the enthusiasm of the speakers and participants was very high to get involved in charity, from TPS and BNI Syariah, book donations were obtained. Participants also received cash donations. As for the results of the auction, it was sold for a value of Rp. 3,2 million.
At the event, the works of management lecturers were also exhibited in addition to paintings by Prof. Bambang Tjahjadi, as well as paintings and batik from Dr Sri Hartini, as well as clothing designs from Noorlaily Fitdiarini. Don't miss the song from Dr. Gancar C Premananto, Haryaddin Mahardika, PhD, Dr. Indrianawati Usman etc.