The Indonesian Economic Student Forum or more often referred to as FMEI is an institution that acts as a pioneer in producing policy recommendations for the country, especially from an economic point of view. Consists of 15 University Members, namely the University of Indonesia, Gadjah Mada University, Padjajaran University, Bogor Agricultural University, Sebelas Maret University, Brawijaya University, Yogyakarta State University, Sriwijaya University, Jenderal Sudirman University, Diponegoro University, North Sumatra University, Mulawarman University, University of Telkom, Airlangga University, and Satya Wacana Christian University. When FMEI was held at UNMUL, there were three universities that were unable to attend for one reason or another, namely UI, IPB, and UNSOED. However, there was one prospective member of FMEI who attended, namely from UNNES.


In a year FMEI congress physical meetings 2 times. In the early period in 2019, to be precise on April 24 – 27 2019, the FMEI physical meeting congress was held at Mulawarman University, Samarinda with the theme Middle Income Trap. On that occasion, Universitas Airlangga had the opportunity to send 5 delegates with the following details:

  • Forum Chair : Muhammad Hanif Ichwanudin – 2016 Management
  • Castrate Forum : Arfan Maulana – Islamic Economics 2018

Adinda Pramesti – Accounting 2017

  • External Forum : Rahmad Kurniawan – Economic Development 2017

Sarah Hersa Amira – Management 2018

The UNAIR representative delegation left for Samarinda on 23 April 2019, the day before the activity. Considering the availability of departure tickets to Balikpapan which are adjusted to the lowest price. Then the UNAIR delegation arrived in Samarinda at around 9.30 WITA which then continued the journey to Samarinda and arrived at around 14.30 WITA. The delegation then took a break and continued with team discussions and framing in the evening before the congress was held the next day.

The first day of the congress was held on April 24, 2019 with an opening held at the Dean of FEB UNMUL which was then followed by brainstorming from INDEF and representatives from BI. The event continued with ishoma and conditioning to the Royal Park Hotel then the event was resumed at around 20.00 WITA with a Small Deliberation in each forum. There are different discussions and implementations in the Small Deliberations of each forum which will later be reviewed in the large deliberation, one of which is to produce points that will be produced as a form of recommendation to the authorities in the Realization of Follow-up. Here are the recommendation points as a result of the large deliberation of the first FMEI physical meeting congress at UNMUL:

  1. Encouraging regulatory harmony between the central government and the regions related to the ease of investment, especially those originating from within the country.
  2. Facilitating the dissemination of information related to existing digital-based MSME platforms. The government provides counseling and training to the community and MSME actors related to digitalization.
  3. Encouraging education reform in the industrial era 4.0 (edication 4.0), one of the focuses is the fulfillment of skills needed by employment.
  4. Integration of infrastructure-based tourism with the Government-Business Cooperation scheme.
  5. Optimizing the role of the real sector. In these 3 cases, the manufacturing, creative and tourism industries based on Indonesia's potential (agrarian and maritime)
  6. Strengthening government support in the form of ease of licensing for researchers in Indonesia in channeling the latest innovations and optimal use of Research and Development funds so that the output produced can be used domestically.
  7. Allocate Foreign Aid effectively as a form of income.

From the 7 recommendations above, UNAIR contributed one recommendation, namely on the 6th point.

Although the Follow-up Realization has been carried out, the discussion of this large deliberation has not yet ended because there are still several main discussions that have not been resolved including the discussion on PRESNAS or the National Presidium, AD/ART. After deliberation for a long time, finally the theme for the second FMEI physical meeting congress at Airlangga University will be determined, namely Restructuring Indonesian taxes to increase the tax ratio in realizing Indonesia's economic acceleration. The big deliberation had to be suspended again because it had to be continued with the next agenda, namely the Gala Dinner. The Gala Dinner was held at the Bumi Senyiur Hotel, Samarinda.

The big deliberation was finally held after the Gala Dinner which started at around 23.00 WITA. which on that occasion the material for the General Deliberation related to the selection of PRESNAS from 3 existing forums. Namely, PRESNAS 1 represents the Chairman's Forum, PRESNAS 2 represents the Kastrat Forum, and PRESNAS 3 represents the External Forum.

Through the existing dynamics, and at that moment the Delegator of Universitas Airlangga was also proposed to be PRESNAS 1 but the person concerned was not willing to remember that at the next congress Universitas Airlangga would be the Coordinator of the Congress so it was necessary to focus more there, so it was agreed that PRESNAS 1 was brother. Moh. Reza Munandar from Mulawarman University, PRESNAS 2 sisters Shinta Hircatu. R. from Gadjah Mada University, and PRESNAS 3 brothers Adhitya Kharisma from Diponegoro University. The third MUBES ended at 02.30 WITA which was closed with the signing of the results of the congress and the taking of the oath of the elected PRESNAS.