People's Gallon by BEM 2020

IJO ROYO-ROYO is the daily work program of the Community Service Division of the Community Service Department of BEM FEB Universitas Airlangga which focuses on waste management and optimal resource empowerment to realize Go Green Faculty in order to create a clean, comfortable and beautiful environment at the Faculty of Economics and Business, University Airlangga. In realizing its vision, IJO ROYO-ROYO has 5 series of events, namely:
1. Green Proker is a continuous assessment of the workings of the ormawa work program at FEB UNAIR,
2. Secretariat clean-up, which is an assessment of the cleanliness of the ormawa secretariat at FEB UNAIR,
3. FEB BERGOWES, namely an invitation to use bicycles as a means of transportation to campus,
4. People's Gallons, namely the procurement of gallons at several points in the Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Airlangga for students who bring tumblers to encourage the transition from using single-use plastic bottles to eco-friendly tumblers.