Friday, August 20, 2021

Zoom meeting

Speaker: Sis Abidin


Bismillahir rahmanir Rahim….

 Assalamualaikum Wr.Wb SKI Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Airlangga (MOSAIC FEB UNAIR) Cabinet Cakrawala Da'wah. On Friday, August 20, 2021, one of the work programs of the PSDM MOSAIC FEB UNAIR division was carried out, namely the MABIT 2021 activity through the zoom application. This year's MABIT activity chose the theme "Building Islamic Civilization Through Da'wah Strategies in the Era of Pandemic". This theme is relevant to current conditions. The COVID-19 pandemic has indeed changed all lines of life, including Islamic civilization. Nevertheless, Islamic civilization will continue to develop and follow the times as technology digitizes. 

 This is reflected in the development of Islamic da'wah through various existing applications. Not to forget, preparing a superior generation of Muslims is the main thing. The Muslim generation is the driving force behind the development of Islamic civilization. Therefore, without a generation of Muslims who are superior and have good morals, Islamic civilization is difficult to develop. The MABIT 2021 activity was held in order to increase devotion to Allah SWT as well as a space to strengthen the relationship between the MOSAIC administrators of the Cakrawala Da'wah Cabinet. 

  The MABIT 2021 activity began with an opening ceremony by Muhammad Hikam Assidiqi (Head of the PSDM Division). Before the activity started, it had become the identity of the MOSAIC activity, namely the reading of the holy Qur'an by Muzzamil (10 minutes). After remarks from the Chairperson of MOSAIC 2021 and MABIT, the next event was the main event, namely the delivery of material from Kak Abidin (15 minutes). To increase the intimacy between MOSAIC administrators, a game that has been designed by the committee was held (2021 minutes). The MABIT 55 event ended at 15 WIB marked by a closing statement by Muhammad Hikam Assidiqi (MC) and a group photo session.


Thus the MABIT 2021 report was made. If there is a shortage, we from the MABIT 2021 committee apologize. Wabillahi taufik wal hidayah wal ridho wal inayah. Wassalamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh