On Saturday, March 20, 2021, the Department of Public Relations (PR) HIMA Management UNAIR held a Management Visit. Management Visit (MV) is an event where HIMA Management UNAIR welcomes guests from other universities to conduct comparative studies with HIMA Management Unair. The purpose of the MV is to establish good relations and stay in touch with other universities, especially the Management department and share between universities regarding the Management department, as well as introduce and bring the good name of Airlangga University Management. 

This activity involved all UNAIR HIMA Management officials for the 2021 period with guests who carried out comparative studies. This time, HIMA Management Unair received a visit from HIMA Business Management PPNS (Surabaya State Shipping Polytechnic). This event was held via the Zoom meeting platform. Management Visit this time was attended by approximately 120 participants from both parties HIMA Management Unair and also HIMA Business Management PPNS. Starting with the remarks from the Head of HIMA Management Unair for the period 2021 (Fikriananda Addo Rahmawan) and continued with the Head of HIMA Business Management PPNS (forget). This was followed by a presentation of material from each Department of HIMA Management Unair and HIMA Business Management PPNS regarding the management and their respective work programs. 

After the presentation of material by each HIMA Management party, it was followed by a Forum Group Discussion (FGD). This FGD is divided according to the department through the breakout room in zoom. In this forum we get to know each other between departments from each HIMA and exchange information from each department, both in its management and each work program that is carried out. The event continued with the distribution of souvenirs between groups. Then the event is closed. It is hoped that both parties can get new ideas related to work programs and maintain good relations.


-HIMA S1 Management UNAIR
