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The 2020 FoSSEI East Java Regional Scientific Meeting is an annual competition between KSEIs in East Java which is held by the East Java Regional FoSSEI and takes place alternately at several KSEIs throughout East Java. This year TEMILREG 2020 was held at Yudharta University, Pasuruan. TEMILREG is held for 4 days and 3 nights. TEMILREG's sub-events include Scientific Writing Contest, Islamic Economics Olympiad, and Pitching Compatition. The purpose of holding this Regional Scientific Meeting is to knit brotherhood among Islamic Economics cadres in a scientific nuance, and also as an arena for preaching Islamic economics. 


Universitas Airlangga this year sent 12 teams to take part in 3 types of competitions in the 2020 TEMILREG. The entire team is a mixture of KSEI HIMA Islamic Economics and KSEI AcSES. Of the 12 teams that were delegated by Universitas Akrlangga, 3 teams won 5 types of competitions, including 3rd place in the Olympics which was won by Team Sandi Prabowo et al, 2nd place from LKTI was won by Team Shellin Suryani et al, 3rd place from LKTI was won by Team Ulfi Salsabel et al., 2nd place The Pitching Competition was won by Rolista et al, and the 3rd place in the Pitching Competition was won by Kemala et al, and 1 team got the Best Poster Pitching Compatition. 


From the Regional Scientific Meeting, apart from scientific benefits, participants also received many other benefits, such as increasing relationships and friendships between participants from various campuses in East Java. So that the ukhuwah between cadres of Islamic Economics is getting closer.