The 2021 FMEI (Indonesian Economic Student Forum) will be conducted online using zoom and the Semarang State University as the host. This congress brought together the BEM delegation from the Faculty of Economics, which consisted of member universities that had joined FMEI. Namely, there are the University of Indonesia, Gajah Mada University, Bogor Agricultural University, Padjajaran University, Sebelas Maret University, Brawijaya University, Yogyakarta State University, Sriwijaya University, North Sumatra University, General Sudirman University, Diponegoro University, Mulyawarman University, Telkom University, Airlangga University, and SW Christian University, and with 3 university candidates who will become official members of FMEI this year. Here are the delegates from the BEM FEB Universitas Airlangga, from the chairman forum with Tariq Priatmojo, then from the caste forum with Ali Assegaf, Suci Nur Mahfudah, Ilham Altifari Habibi K and Aldisha Dwista Safiya. Then from an external forum with Shavinas Mayada, Brigita Dewi Paramita, Raihan Nurmahdi, Andrean Dicky Octafilianus and Aristyawidyani CS


This time's congress, which will be held on June 12 & 19, 2021, has the big theme "Spurring the Wheel of the Economy Back Through the Tourism Sector". This year's congress opened with an oration competition that was held by UNNES as the host with the aim of branding FMEI so that it could be increasingly known by many universities in Indonesia. With this oration competition, each university should send one representative to participate in the competition.



The activity on the first day of FMEI is a small forum, where the forum will be divided into three, namely the caste forum, the external forum, and the chairman forum. The results of the discussion in this small forum will be brought to the General Meeting which will lead and determine the Follow-up Realization. Then on the second day it was opened with a large deliberation, at a large deliberation discussing the results of a small forum to be approved as a whole, then continued with the reading of the results of a large deliberation. After reading the results then the Follow-up Realization (RTL). The forum will close at 21.00 with final deliberation and presentation of studies from three prospective universities who will become official members of FMEI (UPN Jogja, University of Tanjangpura and University of Andalas)


The hope of this congress is to show the enthusiasm of young people to be able to think critically and provide solutions to problems that occur in Indonesia, especially in the economic field. Getting to know other campuses as a means of exchanging ideas to advance each other's campuses with a positive image.