English Development (E-Dev) is one of the work programs running under the BEM Department of Science, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Airlangga. E-Dev is a forum in providing training for the development of English language skills with the main activity in the form of a TOEFL test as a parameter of the English language skills of participants who take part in this program.

The E-Dev work program will support English language skills which are increasingly needed in this era of globalization, considering that there will be more developments happening in the surrounding environment, even in the world of work later. English is an international language that will be able to support communication with other people. Thus, English is one of the most important aspects that must be possessed by every student. Especially now that there are lots of reference books to support lectures that use this foreign language. The ability to speak English will also help everyone, especially students, to compete in the world of work. 

English Development (E-Dev) is routinely carried out 2 times in 1 year. Every year, E-Dev always cooperates with a trusted English language tutoring or course institution in Indonesia, so this activity is very important to be followed by every student or by the general public. E-Dev will be very useful and beneficial by giving the final result in the form of a TOEFL certificate to all participants who take part in this program.