Course unit title
Research Methodology
Course unit code
Type of course unit (compulsory, optional)
Level of course unit (according to
EQF: first cycle Bachelor, second cycle Master)
Second Cycle Master
Year of study when the course unit is delivered (if applicable)
Semester/trimester when the course unit is delivered
3rd semester
Number of ECTS credits allocated
4,8 ECTS
Name of lecturer(s)
- Prof. Dr. Dian Agustia, M.Si.,Ak
- Dr. Hamidah M.Si.,Ak
- Dr.Zainal Fanani, SE.,M.Sc.,Ak
- Iman Harymawan,P.hD
Learning outcomes of the course unit
Students are able to:
- develop logical, critical, systematic, and creative thinking through scientific research
- carry out academic studies according to their field of expertise in solving problems in the community or relevant industries through the development of their knowledge
- identify the scientific field that is the object of research and position it into a research map developed through an interdisciplinary or multidisciplinary approach
Mode of delivery (face-to-face, distance learning)
Face-To-Face and Distance Learning (using AULA UNAIR)
Prerequisites and co-requisites (if applicable)
Course content
- Identifying various Quantitative Research Methodologies
- Identify theoretical foundations, previous research and research design elements
- Building research hypotheses
- Developing Operational definitions and Variable Measurement
- Develop data collection, population and sampling methods
- Develop and compile data analysis techniques
- Understand assumptions about the nature of social science
- Understand and develop a Phenomenological research approach
- Understand and develop an Ethnographic research approach
- Understand and develop a case study research approach
- Understand and develop a grounded research approach
- Compiling a thesis proposal with a qualitative paradigm
Recommended or required
reading and other learning resources/tools
- Blaikie, Norman. 2003. Designing Social Research, The Logic of Anticipation. Great Britain, MPG Books, Ltd
- Creswell, J.W. 2009. Research Design Qualitative, Quantitative and Mixed Methods Approach. Los Angeles, Sage.
- Anderson, Claire. “Presenting and Evaluating Qualitative Research.” American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education 74 (2010): 1-7;
- Denzin, Norman. K. and Yvonna S. Lincoln. Handbook of Qualitative Research. 2nd edition. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, 2000; Merriam, Sharan B. Qualitative Research: A Guide to Design and Implementation. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass, 2009.
- Austin ZA, Sutton J. Qualitative research: getting started. Can J Hosp Pharm. 2014;67(6):436–40.
- Hammersley M, Atkinson P. Ethnography: principles in practice. London (UK): Taylor and Francis; 2007.
- What is grounded theory? Mill Valley (CA): Grounded Theory Institute; 2008. [cited 2015 May 2]. Available from:
- Brewer J. Naturalism. In: Miller RL, Brewer JD, editors. The A–Z of social research. London (UK): Sage Publications; 2003. pp. 147–59.
- Strauss AL, Corbin J. Basics of qualitative research: grounded theory procedures and techniques. Thousand Oaks (CA): Sage Publications; 1998.
- Smith JA, Jarman M, Osborn M. Doing interpretative phenomenological analysis. In: Murray M, Chamberlain K, editors. Qualitative health psychology: theories and methods. London (UK): Sage Publications; 1999. pp. 218–40.
- Thurston WE, Coupal S, Jones CA, Crowshoe LF, Marshall DA, Homik J, et al. Discordant indigenous and provider frames explain challenges in improving access to arthritis care: a qualitative study using constructivist grounded theory. Int J Equity Health. 2014;13:46. doi: 10.1186/1475-9276-13-46.
- Rosenfelder R. A short introduction to transcribing with ELAN. Philadelphia (PA): University of Pennsylvania Linguistics Lab; 2011. [cited 2015 Jun 4]. Available from:
- Larkin M, Watts S, Clifton E. Giving voice and making sense in interpretative phenomenological analysis. Qual Res Psychol. 2006;3(2):102–20. doi: 10.1191/1478088706qp062oa. [Cross Ref]
- Lincoln YS, Guba EG. Naturalistic inquiry. Thousand Oaks (CA): Sage Publications; 1985.
- Latif A, Boardman HF, Pollock K. A qualitative study exploring the impact and consequence of the medicines use review service on pharmacy support-staff. Pharm Pract. 2013;11(2):118–24.
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
- Lectures
- Discussion
- Individual assignments
Language of instruction
Bahasa Indonesia
Assessment methods and criteria
Midterms 40%, Finals 60%