Dosen Pembimbing
Prof. Fendy Suhariadi,ST, MSi.


Public Relations is the spearhead in terms of organizational image. However, it has not been supported by a performance measurement tool that is reflected in the key performance indicator as an appropriate evaluation tool to measure public relations contributions. Individual performance is very important because the individual's performance can lead to the efforts of organizational goals achievement.
It is expected that with the assessment of performance results, public relations can improve what was done before and the provision of rewards as a driver of public relations performance. Management can focus on long-term strategies and as a unit's responsibility to top management. The results of the evaluation can also be used as a basis for unit leaders to submit policies to top management regarding everything about organizational image.
This study aims to measure the performance of PR management by designing key performance indicators by conducting a process of identifying stakeholder necessity that exists in hospital X. The identification of stakeholder necessity will then become the basis of designing PR’s KPI. This study using a qualitative approach based on case study on hospital X. The informants in this study are director, head of marketing, staff as internal stakeholder and customer, supplier and regulator as external stakeholder.
The results of this study is the assessment of PR performance which include assessment work (result) formulated six responsibilities namely, customer satisfaction, customer complaints, fostering community, events, social media content and website traffic. While the assessment of work behavior (behavior) and indicators of competence namely communicative, flexibility, discipline, teamwork, customer service.

Keywords : Public relations, stakeholder management, performance assessment, key performance indicator.

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