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The objective of this research is to understand, investigate and analyze some factors being the constraints to non optimal budget for the activities of Notary Regional Supervisory in 2016 Budget Year, a study in East Java Regional Office of Law and Human Rights Ministry. Budget planning is a part of subsystem strategic planning, which is technically to be conducted based on performance of budget system that is preceded with performance planning. The application of performance budget system in the preparation of planning is initiated with formulation of strategic issues that are responded by a program and a relevant activity. In the implementation phase, the process of performance planning is addressed in the description of the National Medium-term Development Plan into Ministry/Institution Budget Work Plan. The non-optimal Budget for Activities of Notary Regional Supervisory Board in 2016 Budget Year were caused by : personal factor, coordination factor, non-responsive and low understanding on the reporting and Budget settlements.

Keywords : Budget, Notary Regional Supervisory Board.

Sumber : http://mm.feb.unair.ac.id/id/kemahasiswaan/artikel/artikel-ilmiah/876-evaluasi-pelaksanaan-anggaran-kegiatan-majelis-pengawas-daerah-notaris-tahun-anggaran-2018.html