Dosen Pembimbing
Dr. Rahmat Setiawan, SE., MM.


This study aims to determine whether the competition for customers factor includes the convenience, price, and confidence of the Borrowers Working Capital Loan BRI Jemursari affects in customer decisions or decision making to transact account mutation in BRI. According to Joseph F Sinkey; competition for customers factors include convenience, confidence and price of debtors. The working capital credit of BRI Jemursari affects in customer decisions or transactions for mutation of accounts in BRI. According Saiful Ma'arif (2016) influential factors in decision making are Justice, Location, Comfort in service, and Basic Belief. Using two types of data, namely primary and secondary data, primary data of questionnaire results to respondents and secondary data from journals, literature books, website sites, other researchers, or customer cash flow data.
The analytical technique used descriptive statistic that is statistic to analyze data by way of describing or describing collected data as it is without intending to make conclusion which applies to public or doubled linear regression is regression equation by using two or more independent variable. Normal data estimation techniques with as many as 85 respondents (customers).
Data Analysis Model Multiple Linear Regression Analysis using two or more independent variables .. The results of the study found that the test hypothesis 1; convenience factors have a positive effect on customer decisions, hypothesis 2 test; price factor there is positive influence on customer's decision, hypothesis 3 test; confidence factor has positive effect on customer's decision, hypothesis 4 test; convenience, price and confidence factors have a positive effect on customer decisions.

Keywords : competition for customers include convenience, price, and confidence.

Sumber : http://mm.feb.unair.ac.id/id/kemahasiswaan/artikel/artikel-ilmiah/850-analisis-eksplorasi-rendahnya-tingkat-mutasi-rekening-transaksi-nasabah-kredit-bank-rakyat-indonesia.html