Dosen Pembimbing
Dr.Gancar Candra Premananto,SE.,MSi.


The pharmaceutical industry in Indonesia has become one of the most important strategic industries in the country. In early 2014, Indonesia held health insurance for all its people, namely the National Health Insurance of its people, National Health Insurance (JKN). The foreign pharmaceutical industry is impacted very much because they are not able to meet the price of drugs that have been set in the E-Catalog according to the standards set by the government, By looking at PT.XYZ Strategy as outlined in Scoreboard Results and sales table, it can be seen that the sales growth of PT. XYZ compared to similar companies can not compete.
PT.XYZ is one of the companies engaged in health, namely pharmacy. To date, PT.XYZ has established and implemented a business strategy to be applied in the company's business operations. With the increasingly tight competition in the industry and the enactment of the National Health Insurance (JKN) program by the government then the company will gradually be adversely affected. Therefore, this study aims to provide an effective business strategy so that the company can maintain the company's business continuity in facing the business environment and can increase the competitive advantage.
This research uses Internal External Factor Evaluation (IFE & EFE) method Matrix, Internal External (IE) Matrix, TOWS Matrix. The results of this study indicate that PT.XYZ is in the Grow and Build position so that the company can focus on alternative market penetration strategy, market development, and product development. The alternative strategies derived from the TOWS plotting matrix are: (1) Focus on high potential areas that can create demand (sales); (2) Cooperate with parties in each region; and (3) Adding new product variants (launch of cutivate, Relvar, and Anoro).

Keywords : Pharmaceutical industry, Business strategy formulation, Internal Factor Evaluation (IFE) Matrix, Matrix External Factor Evaluation (EFE), Internal External (IE) Matrix, TOWS Matrix.


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